Chapter 7: Friday

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Skylar's POV•
It was 5:37 and I watched Bella get into her friends car and drive away to their house. I close the door and sit on the couch and turn on the tv. I watch tv for about an hour and get bored.

I get a call a couple of minutes later. "Hello?" I says into the phone.
"Hey Skylar it's Shawn wanna come over and maybe watch a movie..IF you want to though and if your wondering how I got your number my mom gave it to me" he tells me.

"No! It's ok I could come over just wait I'll be right over" I tell him. I end the call and get ready. I end up wearing my adidas sweatpants, a adidas crop top sweater, white sneakers, an adidas hat and let my hair down. I grab my phone and house keys and walk over to Shawn's house. I knock on the door and Shawn answers it right away.

"Hey! Thanks for coming" he says. "Thanks for inviting me" I giggle. He gestures me to come in. "You can pick the movie if you want" he suggests. "Oh..thanks" I gently smile.

Shawn's POV•
I see her looking for a movie as she smiles while looking. She looks so cute. "THE NOTEBOOK" i hear her squeal.

"Pretty please Shawn!!" She begs me with her puppy eyes. I can't say no from her cute little face. "Fineee" I whined. As I put the disc into the DVD player and hit play.

As the movie ends I turn off the TV I look over to Skylar and see her head on my shoulder asleep. I pick her up, take her up stairs and place her onto my bed and cover her with a blanket and kiss her forehead.

WAIT WHY DID I DO THAT!? I was hoping she didn't feel that as I leave my room.

Skylar's POV•
I fell asleep half through the movie. After a while of sleeping I feel someone pick me up. I open my eyes barely just to see who had picked me up it was Shawn.

I kept pretending to sleep. He walks upstairs, opens a door quietly with his foot and placed me on a bed. He placed a blanket on me and when I was about to actually fall asleep because I was actually tired AF, until I felt someone KISS ME?!

It was Shawn OF COURSE because he was the only person in there. DUH! I tried not freaking out or blushing so, I tried as hard as I could to keep calm.

I heard a door close and got up. I started squealing quietly to myself because Shawn kissed me, on the forehead though. I just fell asleep with a smile on face waiting for the next day.
Hope you guys enjoyed it and I think I might update on Wednesday idk if I should make a schedule or just update on random days? Let me know in the comments and have an amazing day loves!💙 xxx
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