Chapter 24: Confession

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Shawn's POV•
I park my Jeep in the parking lot in the hospital. I run across the street into the hospital. I remember Skylar's on the 6th floor and pass by the doctors and nurses I see without question.

I walk past the counter where the lady is hoping she wouldn't notice me. "HOLD IT!" she yells. I stop in my traces.

"Now turn around." She asks as I follow her command. "Now come here." I stop in front of the counter and look at her.

"Now please tell me why your in such a hurry that you forgot to sign this sheet to get in?" She tells me. "Ma'am my girlfriend tried killing herself and I have to see her and tell her that I love her right now, or else I think I'll explode because I really, 'really' love her!" I ramble.

"Awww, Okay sweetie, just please sign your name and your allowed to go." She says with a soothing voice to calm me down because I was obviously tense.

I quickly sign and run to room 413. "Have a nice day!" I hear the lady yell. I smile as she said that and keep running.

410, 411, 412, and 413! I finally find it and take a deep breath. I have to find the best way to say that I love her.

I place my hand on the door knob and twist it pushing the door open.

Skylar's POV•
I slightly squint my eyes as I hear the door creek. It's bright in the room and I groan as I try opening my eyes more.

I hear footsteps coming towards me. I feel someone place their hand on top of mine. I lightly groan.

"'s okay, I'm here" I hear the familiar voice. "Shawn.." I say finally opening my eyes. I watch as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"Yeah it's me" he sniffles. "S-Shawn, stay.."I ask softly looking into his eyes, squeezing his hand a little.

"Sky, Im right here and not going anywhere because, I-I love you" he says holding onto both of my hands.

My smile quickly disappears. I knew he was just saying this to me feel better. "Shawn, you don't have to say that just make me feel better about what I did" I tell him looking at our hands and pulling away from his hold.

I didn't want him just to say 'I love you' just to make me feel better. It was sickening. You should say it when you mean it.

"Shawn, I don't want you to say I love you until you actually mean it, because I feel like your saying it just to make me feel better and cause I tried-"

"Sky! I mean it! I love you! I never want to let go of you every again. I never want to leave your side, I want to be forever with you, no matter what troubles come our way, I will never leave you. I mean all these things because your the greatest person I've ever met and I love everything about you, your smile, your eyes, your laugh your personality, your everything! You mean everything to me and I love you.." he cuts me off.

My eyes start getting watery and I try blinking back the tears. I don't know what to say. I'm frozen. I don't know if I love him yet in the same exact way.

Every time I said 'I love you' before, I never said it with meaning but, I can't answer this question yet. "O-okay.." I answer back knowing that was the stupidest thing I could've EVER said.

"Okay? You say 'okay' after I just confessed my love for you! I can't believe I was so stupid to fall in love with someone..." he says. Tears start flowing down my cheeks after what he just said.

His eyes widen after he realized what he had just said to me. "S-Skylar I-" "get out.." I say. "What?" He asks confused. "I SAID GET OUT!" I yell. "Okay, I'm sorry" I hear him whisper as he heads for the door.

"Shawn, I think this is it, we should break up.." I say before he leaves. He turns to face me as tears run down my cheeks uncontrollably. "Yeah, I-I think we should too" he says as a tear rolls down his cheek as he wipes it away quickly and roughly.

"Bye, Mendes.." "Bye, Smith.." he says as he exits the room. Instantly start crying with my knees held to my chest and Bella and the girls walk in.

"Sis, you okay?" Bella says coming closer. "We broke up." I say still crying. "Oh,no.." McKayla says as she comforts me with Bella.

"Oh no he didn't, I need to give him a piece of my mind." Lauren says as she clenches her fists. "Oh no! I'll be back!" McKayla says chasing after Lauren.

Shawn's POV•
I walk to Aaron and Matt. They give me concerned looks obviously about Skylar. "We be-" "YOU STUPID FUCKING BASTARD, HOW DARE YOU HURT HER!" I hear as I jump at the sound of an angry Lauren, and that's NOT good.

"Oh no! Lauren please don't start your killing spree right now!" I hear McKayla yell from behind her. The guys hold Lauren back from trying to kill me.

"I THOUGHT YOUR WERE BETTER THAN THIS, SHES A MESS NOW BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPID ASS!" She yells swinging her arms trying to get to me.

Her words hit me "She's a mess now because of your stupid ass!" it was echoing in my head. I didn't want to break up with her, but, we both needed space.

Before I knew it I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. It was Lauren. The guys gave me sorry looks since she got past them.

She grabs a hold of my shirt and pulls me down to her level. "Listen to me very careful, you've already made way too many damn mistakes with Sky and I don't wanna see her get hurt by someone like you. Stay away from her so she doesn't cry herself to sleep every night.." She says with a deadly glare she walks away and pulls McKayla with her.

I knew it was goodbye for me and Skylar right now. I had to let go of her..for now....
Hey guysss! Hope ya liked it vvv much, but I'm so happy cuz I get to be my lazy self and sleep in longer since I have a delay😂 But, why'd ya think? Should they give each other their own space? Idek if I should make a new character. What do you think? Comment down below and have a great day loves!💙xxx
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