Chapter 12: The Fight

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Skylar's POV•
It was lunch period and I walked to the lunchroom to the table with all my friends. I sit down and only Lauren, Matthew, Aaron, Jack G. and Jack J. were there.

I begin to eat until I feel someone firmly grab me and turn me to face them. It was McKayla and she looked worried "OMG SKY COME WITH ME RIGHT NOS THERES NO TIME TO EXPLAIN" she yells.

I nod and follow her. She leads me to the outside part of the lunch room and see a group of people surrounded around something. Or someone? McKayla, still holding your hand pulls me through the crowd until you see Shawn pinning Nash down to the ground punching him.

I gasp at the sight of this. "SHAWN! STOP RIGHT NOW"  I yell. He puts his attention on me. He has a bloody nose and a bruise under his eye. Before I could say something, Nash jumps on top of Shawn this time and starts punching him.

"I can't believe she's dating a loser like you" I hear Nash mumble. I really thought he was a better person but, I guess not. As he said that, Shawn snapped. With all his strength Shawn pushed Nash down to the ground again and punched his constantly.

After Shawn knew he could take it anymore he stopped. "Never speak to me like that again" he says. "OMG what happened" I say running up to him hugging him as tight as I could.

"He said i don't deserve you" Shawn says. I push him off. "THATS IT, WHAT THE FUCK SHAWN JUST BECAUSE OF THAT YOU HAVE BEEN SERIOUSLY HURT! YOUR SO CHILDISH" I yell and walk away.

It's the end of the day and I was walking home. I heard someone call my name. I turn around and see Shawn. I roll my eyes and keep walking. "SKY! Please wait!" I hear him yell.

I hear footsteps get closer and thought he wasn't that close but I turn and get knocked to the floor. again.

My eyes are closed so I open them. I see Shawn hovering over me. A small blush appears on my face. He smirks. I grab his face, pull him towards me and peck his lips. The peck turns into a kiss and that kiss becomes deeper.

I stop for a moment. "I think a sidewalk is for walking not making out" I giggle. Shawn gets up and pulls me onto my feet. I smile and peck him on the lips. I hold his hand and walk home with him by my side.

"Wanna come in?" I ask him. "Sure" he says. We walk in and decide to do our homework. After that was finished, we just talked and then Shawn went home.

After he left I had gotten a call "Hi sweetie, it your mom can you go to the market near the house and buy a gallon of milk and cereal please?" she asks. "Sure" I reply back. "BELLS IM GOING TO THE MARKET" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "OKAY" she screams as well.

I slip on a sweater, put on leggings and uggs, grab my house keys and phone and leave the house. I begin walking to the market and I feel a hand go over my mouth. "Come with me" I hear a familiar voice.

I knew it right away, it was Nash. I bite his finger so he lets go of me "SHIT WHAT THE FUCK" he yells. I scream for help. He covers my mouth again and this time I'm scared. "Do that again, and see what happens" he whispers and kisses my neck.

Chills run down my spine. I know it's like 10:00 at night but, hopefully someone heard me scream or else I'm screwed....
Hey guys hoped you enjoyed I'm SOOO sorry it's short I'll try making the next chapter longer for you guys and I'll probably update again on Friday or Saturday! Have an amazing day loves!💙
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