Chapter 22: Bully

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Skylar's POV•
I walk to pick up my sister and walk home with her. "Sky?" She asked me as it's the first thing I've heard her say during this walk home.

"Yes?" I simply reply turning my head to face her. "I miss you" she says softly. I stop walking, stop Bella as well and turn her to face me.

"What do you mean? I see you everyday." I ask her confused. "I never spend time with me anymore with all your friends and Shawn being your boyfriend...where's me time with you?" I hear in her voice she's breaking apart without her big sister.

Her eyes get puffy and watery. I pull her into a tight hug and pull apart. "Bells, I'll always I mean ALWAYS have time for my little sis. I love and I'm sorry I've been paying attention to my relationship and's what I'll do, I'll make time for you on the's that?" I tell her.

"That's perfect" she says wiping her tears and smiling with me. I wrap my arm around her and walk the rest of the way home with her.
It's was finally Monday, Yayy!note sacasm. I walked through the door and saw everyone look I keep walking and hear snickering and whispering.

"Sky! Wait up!" I hear a voice call out. I knew it was McKayla. "Yeah, what's up?" "Is it true?" She whispers.

"What's true?" I ask her looking totally confused. "Come here!" She says pulling me I to the janitors closet without anyone noticing.

"Did you and Shawn break up because he said he loved Allison?" She says anticipating for an answer. " who said it?" I ask with a worry in my voice.

"Amy,said that, Lily said, that Natalie said, that Allison said that Shawn said that to her!" She says quickly that I had to process it.

"Ugh! Allison that bitch!" I mumble. "What? Is there something I need to know?" McKayla asks. "No I mean-Yes but I tell you later!" I say walking away looking for Ally.

I finally find her with Amy and her minions laughing.  I walk up to look straight into her icy cold blue eyes.

"Oh will you look who's here, it's the tramp that's dating Shawn." She giggles. "Shut up, I can't wait till I tell Shawn.." I threatened.

"Hunny, he won't believe you because I'll just say..." she pauses and clears her throat. "Shawn, Skylar is acting up I-I think she's acting jealous just cause we're such good friends...I don't know what your going to do with her." She says all innocent.

I hated her so much. "Yeah and Shawn will be all hers!" Amy says backing her up. I roll my eyes. She walks closer slowly as I hear the clicking of her heels on the floor get louder and then stops when she's just inches away.

"And now I'm going to make you life a living hell until Shawn dumps your ass for mine" she says without hesitation. She pushes me to the ground. She cackles and walks away with her "posse."

I move to the locker and lay against it, with my knees held to my chest and my face is buried in my knees. I begin to cry. What if it actually happens...Shawn leaves me for Ally?

What if I never hear his sweet words "I love you" towards me anymore and only hear it towards Ally. I don't know what to do. I wipe my tears away and get up.

I look at my palms. They're a little scraped up from being pushed down. I went to the bathroom to rinse it off.

I walk in and right away see Ally. Why won't this bitch leave me alone already! I turn right away but stop. I get pulled and pushed roughly against the wall.

"You can't get away that easily" Ally chuckles as her minions follow. I bow my head not looking directly at her and stay completely quiet.

"ANSWER ME!" She yells. I look up at her. "Calm down before that vein on your forehead pops" I softly chuckle. She growls at me.

She slaps me leaving a stinging sensation on my cheek. She knees me in the stomach making me taste the waffles I had for breakfast. I fall to the ground and lay on the cold bathroom floor.

She grabs my hair and pulls up to make me face her. I groan at how much pain she's causing me. "Now fuck off!" She says punching me and kicking me.

I hear all the girls laughing and the bathroom door slam. I begin crying because of the pain and things she will do to be.

I hear the bell ring. I just missed Algebra and Shawn's in that class. He probably doesn't care anyways. I used all my strength got up and walked home.

Shawn's POV•
Sky wasn't in algebra. I was worried. I was about to get up, but Allison walks in sits next to me and pulls me down into my seat.

"Hey Shawn, is it okay if I sit here?" She says twirling her hair. "Umm...Sky sits there. I was just about to-" "NO!" She stops me.

I give her a confused look. "Why don't you stay here with me instead, just forget about Sky" she says fluttering her lashes and moving her hand onto mine. I move it.

I knew what she was doing. She was flirting with me. She changed her appearance after we met. Wore short skirts, crop tops, high heels, tight jeans.

"Im sorry but I have to find her" I tell her. She tenses up a little but tries to cool down. "Oh...what a good boyfriend" she fake smiles. I nod my head and find her.

I look all around but she's nowhere to be found. I saw someone go around the corner. I run after them but when I make the turn, they were gone.

I swear it was Sky but, I could just been seeing things. I go back to Algebra and sit next to Allison ignoring her trying to "seduce" me. The whole time I was thinking about Skylar....
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this cuz I did! and I think I want to start giving shoutouts! So I'm going to give a shoutout to a really great and nice muffin💙applepie_smendes Go follow her and my social media down below!💙
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