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"So where are you from?" Justin asked me, typical question of course. "I was born in Manhattan, but I lived all over New York." As a child, my life was kind of stable until my dad cheated on my mom when I was 13, that's when the whole moving around frequently started. "So why LA?" He seemed genuinely interested in my life, I knew better than that though. He just wanted to get in my pants. "Mom's job." I responded, he mumbled a small 'ah' before dropping the subject, he probably picked up on the fact that I didn't feel like sharing.

"What about you?" He didn't seem like the rest of the boys around here, I wondered if he was from somewhere else. "Grew up in Canada, stayed in Atlanta for a while and now we're here." He said not elaborating either on his life story, guess you could say we were pretty similar. "Canada, wow." I wonder if that meant he spoke French, most people from Canada knew at least a little French.

"je suis plein de nombreuses surprises" he smirked, it was like he read my mind, and I couldn't deny that him being fluent in French was hot as hell. "I don't know what the hell that means but say something else in french." I was astonished and turned on by the fact that he spoke it so well, it was doing something down in my panties.

"tu es l'une des plus belles filles que j'ai jamais rencontrées" furrowing my eyebrows, I didn't understand what that meant. "Hope you're not speaking bad about me." I joked, if he was I wasn't able to deal, Justin speaking French sounded so elegant. "It means you're one of the prettiest girls I've ever met." He translated, I could feel my face getting warmer due to the fact that he had just said that.

Jesus Christ what the hell was he doing to me.

"I'm sorry but I gotta do this, you're driving me fucking insane." He mumbled before smashing his lips against mine, He just kissed me and I didn't pull back. What the hell? Why would he kiss me? Is this his way of trying to get me in bed ? I don't want him playing with my emotions, If it's all fake than I need to know, I can't get my heart broke, it's just not me. I don't have any more heartbreaks left in me.

No Stephanie, Justin's not like the rest.

How do we know? He could be faking it, like Jason.

He's not Jason Stephanie.

Ignoring the voice in my head, I pulled away from Justin. "Uh I'm sorry, I should get going, Ryan's waiting for me at his place, you know you can come if you want." Why not? I mean it's not like my mom was home, so I'd rather not be stuck in the house all by myself. "Sure let me grab a T-shirt." I said running to my closet, grabbing an old Tee and throwing it over my head, I jogged downstairs with Justin.

Oh great, my brother was here, he's gonna make some joke about me getting my freak on. He's so embarrassing, it's not even funny, he's totally not like your average overprotective Big brother. "Hey I'm going to a friends house I'll be back in a few" I hummed, it was kind of normal to see Jordan here, even though he had his own apartment, he comes over when moms out of town, you know just to check on me and make sure I'm okay.

"Alright, and Justin is that you?" Jordan said, I turned towards him in confusion, how the hell did he know Justin? "Jordan what the hell are you doing here?" Justin smiles doing that little bro hug boys tend to do. Wait was I missing something? He know my brother, how is that even possible before we moved here I had never seen Justin in my life before. "This is my sister and my moms house." Jordan shrugs, I was still in confusion as to how and why he knew Justin.

"You're related to him?" He says pointing to my brother, I nod my head, unfortunately yes Jordan and I were blood related. "Explains your attitude, Jordan was like complete bad ass well of course after me, and had major attitude wow. I can't believe I didn't make the comparison." Justin laughs, I couldn't lie Jordan attitude might even be bigger than mine. Anyhow I'm still confused as to how and why these two know each other.

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