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"When can I see her!?" I snap at the nurse it had been a couple of hours since I first brought her here. I need to see her. I need to make sure Stephanie's alright. "You don't understand! That's my girlfriend! I need to know she's alright" I cannot believe this was happening. This is all my fault, If it wasn't for me she wouldn't be here in this mess.

"Sir, the doctors are doing all that they can . I'm going to need you to sit down before I have to get security ." The woman politely says, I couldn't take that. That's what they all say before the doctors give us the bad news. "Come on Justin, let's sit down" my mom pats me softly on my back as we walk over to sit down. "This is all my fault! She wouldn't be in there if it wasn't for me!" I don't know how I would live with myself if Stephanie died in there, all because of me.

"Justin, sometimes things happen that you can't control. She'll be alright." My mom assuringly says, I sigh and look over at Stephanie's mom and her brother. Her mom looked like she hadn't had sleep in months. She had bags under her eyes, her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail and she was crying. She must be a mess. Loosing a child for over a month not knowing where or who she was with and when you do find her she's shot.

This is all my fault.

My eyes travelled and finally stopped at Jordan. His dirty blonde hair was a mess. He also had bags under his eyes. They weren't as bad as his moms but they were still bad. God if it wasn't for me, Stephanie wouldn't even be in this mess, I was so fucking stupid.

"Hi , I'm Dr. Curtis , and I'm here for the family of Stephanie Williams" I shot up and rush over to him, I needed to know that she was breathing and not dead. "How is she? Is she ok? Please tell me she's ok" I pleaded, I needed to know if she was fine. That when I walked into that room, she would be sitting up straight, smiling and laughing.

"Yes , she's fine now. She lost a lot of blood and Stephanie is in a very fragile state as of right now. You all can visit her now, but only two at a time , she's also unconscious ." The doctor informed, I let Stephanie's mom and her brother come in. I was so anxious to see her, I need to be sure she was alright.

"You can go in." Jordan said to me after what felt like ages, I walk down the hall to her room and I open the door and saw Stephanie's fragile body laying there. She was so pale, she had bruises all over her body. Looking at her made me sick to my stomach, It was as if I had almost been shot myself. I walk over to Stephanie's mom who had her face buried in the sheets. "Please Stephanie , wake up. You can't go. I love you to much" Her mom was repeating it, I felt like someone just stabbed me in the stomach as I watched how much pain she was in. "Ms. Carter, I suggest you go home and get some rest. I'll be here with her and I'll call you as soon as anything changes" I pat her back, I wasn't going to leave her side, and I knew her mother hadn't gotten any sleep so I was willing to stay with her.


"I promise you need the rest." I guide her to the door. "You've been so good to her. Thank you Justin. I'm glad you're in her life" she says in between sobs, if only she knew the truth. That I was the reason Stephanie was in the hospital right now. I just nodded my head and she leaves the room.

"God Stephanie , you're so stubborn. If you would have just listened we wouldn't be here" I sigh, There was no response. Just her chest rising and falling as she took little breathes.


It's been a week and Stephanie still hasn't woken up, the doctors had no idea when she'd wake up, they said it could be another few days, a few months or up to a year, which I couldn't even wrap my mind around.

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