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"Get up babe , it's time to start our day." Justin shook my gently, I wasn't at school so I wanted to take full opportunity of these sleeping in days, try being pregnant and waking up early. "Fuck off I wanna sleep!" I roll over, I want to sleep. Yeah , yeah , I know what you're thinking .

I'm in Disney world for gods sake,Why do I wanna sleep?

Well call me when you have a baby in you and we'll discuss why.

" Come on babe. It's gonna be fun!" Justin shakes me again, I softly pushed him away from me, I just wanted a couple more minutes of sleep. "I guess you asked for it." He was quite for a second, but then I felt a nice slap on my ass, making me jump up out of the bed.

"Justin I'm gonna kill you" I scowl and slowly arise from my bed. Mentally cursing Justin out in my head , I walk over to my suite case. I grab a pair of shorts with a t shirt. I grab my toothbrush and my make up and my hair tools . My hair is too long . Yeah it was always past my butt, I need to cut it cause we live in LA and it's too hot to have long hair.

"Babe?" Justin says snapping me out of my thoughts.


"Did you hear anything I said?" I shake my head, I was kind of occupied on what I wanted to do with my hair. "You don't need this stuff. You're beautiful without" Justin kisses my cheek, he always found ways to make me smile like an idiot. "Ok." I smile and brush my teeth. I brush my long brown hair into a high ponytail. "Ready" I walk out and kiss my amazing boyfriend. I grab my sunglasses and put them over my eyes as Justin interlocks his hand with mine and we walk out to meet our friends.

"Yooo let's get this day started." Chaz howls like he was a freaking dog, I just shook my head at him before we walked out to the shuttle that was taking us to Disney world.


"Babe! This one! Come on!" Justin pulled on my arm. He was acting like a five year old , pulling me on every ride. I love seeing him like this, It was so cute, but I honestly don't think I can take another ride.

"Babe pleaseee can I just wait here!" I plead, being pregnant made me get tired very easily and it was already 6, I just wanted to go home and sleep.

"Nope , you're coming with me." He says popping the 'p'.. "Lighten up baby girl it's gonna be fun. I'm sure Justin Jr. Is loving it." He states proudly, the baby was definitely not liking this even though he or she wasn't even really a baby yet.

"#1 we are not naming our baby if it's a boy Justin Jr." I laugh, no offense to juniors but I hated juniors and I was especially not naming my baby Justin Jr, I'll consider Justin as a middle name. "#2 he or she is definitely not loving it." My feet were also aching, I just wanted to go back to the hotel and relax.

"Last one babe , and then we'll leave , I promise" Justin pouts, I threw my head back in annoyance he was too cute to say no to so I went a long with him. "Yay!" He smiles and pulls me towards the Harry Potter ride, I personally liked the spider man one the best but Justin- even though he wouldn't admit it- was a total Harry Potter geek.

I mentally curse myself for letting him talk me into this one as I looked at how long the line was. Truth is, I absolutely hate roller coasters. I know what you're thinking , how do I hate rollercoaster when disney world is my favorite place? Yeah I don't know. I actually do like being scared shitless.

"Fucking finally." I mumbled as we got closer to the line, Justin however pulled me into the line for the front seat. "Justin no. I'm not sitting in the front." I said that but guess where we ended up sitting? In the front. "Justin why couldn't we be in the back!" I terrifyingly said as the roller coaster begins.

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