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"Alright ladies and gentlemen , it's the moment you've all been waiting for, time to announce Homecoming King and Queen." I grab Stephanie's hand and slightly squeeze it, I know neither of us really gave a shit about this but it would be nice to beat Rachel at something. "You know you're gonna win. There's no one better than you." I kiss her cheek and she just smiles and turns back. The principal announces the lower grades one by one, Freshmens, Sophomores, and The Juniors. Finally it was our time.

"Alright seniors. You're up." The principal says, like I said I didn't give a shit about any of this stuff but it would be nice to win, for Stephanie. "Well I'm pretty sure we know who is homecoming King is already." The principal looks in my direction and I just smirk,hey what can I say I'm a popular dude. "But Homecoming King is... Justin Bieber." The light shines on me letting me know to come onstage. I smile and walk onstage accepting my crown. "Alright now our homecoming queen, is...Stephanie Williams!" Stephanie looked shocked but she Smiles and comes and stands next to me. "Alright let's let the couple do the annual king and Queen dance." After Stephanie receives her crown , I smile and lead her on the dance floor. Nothing was better than this. I had the girl I wanted right next to me. Nothing could make it better.


"Baby , let's get out of here." Justin whispers in my ear, we were pretty much over the whole dance, I was still kind of shocked that I won homecoming queen, I was sure nobody knew who I was. "Yeah, I'm over it." I grabbed Justin's head, we did a quick goodbye to our friends before heading out.

As we walked to the car, I just stood in awe, staring at Justin. Everything about him was absolutely perfect. His brown hair, The way it fell perfectly onto his face. His eyes, His beautiful Carmel eyes I could get lost in those forever. His smile. Perfectly white teeth. I don't know how in the world a girl like me ended up with such a perfect guy like him.

"Babe? Are you gonna get in or?" Justin asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah," I hop in the car. I continue to stare at Justin as he gets in the car. I wonder what made me so different, He literally could have any girl he wanted to but, He chooses me. I'm not the prettiest nor the sexiest. he must have caught me staring at him again because he turns his attention towards me. "What are you thinking about?" Justin questions raising an eyebrow, even his stupid eyebrows were perfect. "You." I simply shrug my shoulders, these days He was all I ever thought about. "What about me?" He inquired, wanting more answers.

"Sometimes I think I'm not good enough for you" I answer truthfully, especially with all the stupid girls he's been with approaching us, I've been hella insecure which typically wasn't mean but with Justin I was completely vulnerable to my insecurities. "I thought we were passed this." He sighed as he stopped the car, which I can't believe he really just did. "I don't know Justin. All of the other girls you could've chosen, it just seems unreal. I'm not the prettiest nor the brightest." I said in honesty, he just responded by giving me an 'Are You serious' look. I just shrug in response,sometimes I felt that this relationship was way too good to be true.

Baby look up at the sky , what do you see?" Justin asks, once again I shrug my shoulders, not really understanding what he was getting at."I see a million of stars that looking exactly the same.." I don't know what the point of stopping the car to just look at the stupid stars. "You see that star? " Justin says pointing out the biggest star in the sky, I nod it was the brightest start in the sky, you couldn't miss it.

"That's you. You stand out. You're not like the rest Steph. You care about me . Sure you are a pain in ass and stubborn at times. But there's no one in this world that I'd rather be with. Even if you are the most stubbornest person in the world" Justin chuckles, He leans in and I meet him halfway there. Justin presses his soft lips against mine, after I felt it was getting too heated, I pull away and turn up the radio.

Justin Bieber : The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now