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"My baby girl has grown up so much I can't believe it's graduation day!" My mom hugs me tight, I could barley believe myself that it was about to be graduation and I was about to be an adult going off to college along with a little me or little Justin inside of me.

"Yeah my little sis isn't so little anymore... Well besides her height" my brother smirked and I rolled my eyes, I wasn't even that short. I was the average height for female!

"Congratulations, Stephanie. You're gonna have a big future ahead of you." Britney hugged me, I really had hoped soon. There were a lot of people telling me my life was over because I had a baby, but I wasn't going to give up.

"Now come on before we're late." My mother motioned is to the car in which we piled ourselves into it. My mind wondering to what life was going to be like once I graduated, I was now approaching three months pregnant, so I had another six months before this baby happened.

I was ready for whatever life had for me.


"Justin Drew! Get down here now or you'll be late!" My mom yells, rolling my eyes I finish my last touch on my suite and walk downstairs.

"Oh my lord! My handsome little grandson , who by the way might I add is not so little, is all grown up" my grandmother hugs me as I walk downstairs to the living room, she was so dramatic sometimes.

"Diane give the boy some breathing room." My dad chuckled, he and my grandmother didn't really get along all too well.

"Hush up. This is an very emotional day. Seeing my eldest son graduate high school. It's hard. He was just learning how to walk yesterday." My mother was beginning with the tears, Jesus Christ I hadn't even left the house yet and they were all crying already.

"Women." my grandfather shakes his head, I nodded my head silently after with his statement.

"Bruce hush up! This is an very emotional day. We've Practically raised this boy. I'm so proud of who he's become. " my grandmother pulled me into another hug, if this was what it was going to be like all day, I don't I would be able to deal.

"Come on before we're late." I needed to get away from all these females, they were suffocating me.

"Are we going to your school Bieber?" Jazzy sweetly asked me as we got into my moms car.

"Yes princess."

"Will Stephanie be there?"

"Yes she will." As soon as I said that her eyes widen in excitement, she absolutely loved Stephanie, she was like the big sister she never had. Truthfully I was jealous, I had been jazzys favorite person for years until Stephanie came along.

"Speaking of Stephanie, her mother and I agreed on hosting the class of 2014 graduation party on Saturday." My mother said looking back at me from the passenger seats, oh great that meant I was going to have to interact with a bunch of kids from school that I never talked too in my life.

"I cannot wait to meet this young lady, from what Pattie and Jeremy told me she is a extraordinary young lady who sounds perfect for you." My grandmother announces.

"Oh believe me she is." I smile at the thought of her.

We had just gotten our diplomas and we were now waiting for Jennifer , who was the valedictorian for this years class to speak. It was hard for me to believe at first I mean she seemed a little empty in the head to me.

"Now we will have Jennifer Villegas speak."

"Hello everyone. Today marks the real beginning of our lives. We have been waiting our whole lives for this. High school has been a blessing for all of us. We've had our ups and downs of course. But for some of us , we've made friendships that can never be broken." She stops for a moment and looks at Steph and Danny, who were staring back at her with eyes of adoration. "And also we've found our sole mate. " she smiles teary eyed at Chaz, their relationship had always been so sappy to me, It was a little shady at times because it seemed straight out of those stupid romantics chick movies, but hey they were happy.

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