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Waking up, I stretched my arms out, not realizing that Justin was still here. I turned my head towards him, his arms were around my waist, and his head slightly leaning on my body. I observed him in this peaceful state because it wasn't going to be long. He snored but it wasn't anything real bad. My fingers traced the outlines of the tattoos he had on his arm. My mind inquiring as to why he had so many. "Take a picture, it last longer." I watched as the corners of his mouth curved into a smirk, I quickly removed myself from his grasp not wanting to let him know I was secretly enjoying being in his arms. "I'm going to go make breakfast." I quickly scattered into the kitchen not wanting him to see me all flustered and shit.

You so like him.

I didn't know what to do, I think I liked Justin, I mean he's different. He can be the nicest guy on the planet but quickly shift into being an the biggest asshole. He was full of many surprises that I was dying to know about. Every time I think about a potential us, it's shot down by the idea that Justin doesn't want a relationship. To be quite honest, I don't even know if I was ready to be in another one either, especially after the damage that Jason had did to me, I didn't think I could handle another one.

"I didn't know you cooked." He walked into my kitchen, his hair was slightly messy from being asleep, Jesus Christ this boy was so fine. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me." I teased as I a ran my tongue across the top layer of my teeth, pursing my lips out as well. "So what are we eating today." I felt his body heat come closer to mine as he looked over my shoulder to see what I was doing. "Who said I was making anything for you?" I turned myself around so that our body's were pressed up against each other.

"Fucking hell what are you doing to me Stephanie?" He mumbled before placing his lips against mine, our tongues dancing, I felt his hands travel down to my ass, and typically by now I would've pulled away but Justin had me stuck to him like crazy glue. "Fuck you're driving me insane." He said pulling back from me, I pressed my teeth into my lips, gently biting down on my bottom lip.

"Stephanie? I'm home." Fuck, I didn't know that my
Mom would be home this early, she can't see Justin here, She would kill me for having a boy over. "Go." I shoved him into our dinning room, quickly putting away anything that suggested I wasn't the only one in the house. "Oh there you, you didn't hear me calling you." My mom frowned, I shrugged going back to cooking myself breakfast as if nothing happened and I wasn't hiding a teenage boy in our dining room.

"Hey mom, I wasn't expecting you home so early?" Normally when she left she'd be gone for about a week, it had only been roughly two days. "Yeah the case has a mistrial so I'm not scheduled to go back for at least another few weeks. The firm hasn't decided yet if they want to try for a retrial." I had no clue what she was saying, you know lawyer talk, but I let her keep rambling especially since Justin was in our dinning room.

"Stephanie this place looks a mess. Did you have people over? You know how I feel about that especially when I'm not home." My mom scolded, and I shook my head, I didn't really like lying to my mom because of the fact that we had such a open relationship but I knew she would freak if she knew I had a boy over last night. " no just Jordan came by last night, I guess he must have left before i woke up." I shrug my shoulders, lying straight through my teeth. I knew if she asked Jordan he would cover my ass.

"I was thinking, if you didn't have any plans, we could hang out, go shopping have lunch, ya know nothing big, just a girls day out." Of course I was down to do those things with my mother, like I said we were close. Besides I wanted to get her advice on what the hell I should do with the boy currently hiding in my dinning room. "That sounds great mom, I'm totally down." I said as I put the remaining dishes in the sink into our dishwasher. "Okay, I'm going to go shower and then we can go." My mother kissed the top of my head before heading upstairs to take a shower, letting out a big breathe of relief, I ran to the dinning room to see if Justin was there.

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