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"I um.. I uh.." Stephanie stutters, I wished she'd just tell me already, we've been through hell and back I'm pretty sure I could take whatever the news was.

"Just say it baby" I whisper, I grabbed her hand to trying to somewhat ease her nerves.

"I'm pregnant.."


Did she just say she's, pregnant?

"You're What?" I could not believe what I was hearing, she was pregnant? I was so not ready to be a father, I didn't even know how to be a father since the one I had was shitty.

"Ok babe. Jokes up. That's not funny." I said forcing myself to laugh, I silently prayed to god hoping she was kidding.

"Justin , I'm not kidding." By the look on her face, I could tell that she was far from kidding, this was really happening. "I'm having a baby. Our baby." our baby. A baby, a human was growing inside of her body, that I made. That we made.

"I can't do this! I can't be a father at 19! It's just not possible! I can't do this!" I run my fingers through my hair out of frustration, there was just no way we could be parents right now.

"Justin I - "

"No. I can't do this. I can't It's too much." I sigh and get up, I couldn't do this, especially not right now with everything going on between Jason and I, I still had yet to get my revenge, and she wanted me to worry about a baby? There was no way in hell I could handle that.

"Steph I can't do this. I can't be a father. You need better." I couldn't raise a baby, I barley survived myself. I don't even know how to be a father, hell I didn't even have a father, how the hell was I supposed to know how to be a father.

"Justin no, we both can make it work. Sure it might be tough but please don't leave me alone. Don't leave me to take care of this baby alone! Please I love you!" She tugs on my arm and tears falling down her cheek, I hated to be an asshole but I need time.

"I -I- I gotta go" I lightly remove her hand from my arm, I needed to think about this.

"Justin don't do this to me." She starts to sob, and every bone in my body was telling me to stay but I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that we were having a child, we were about to create a whole ass human being. "I - bye Steph ." I sigh and walk out the door, I wasn't breaking up with her or anything I just needed space.

"Justin please I'm sorry!" I hate that she was apologizing , when she had nothing to apologize for. I just need to get out of here, I couldn't think straight.

I leave and get in my car and head home. The whole drive home all I could think about was the fact that Stephanie and I were about to be parents, parents! I wasn't ready to be an adult, let alone father a child!

Stephanie and I had just got back on track after the whole Emma thing, a baby right now was not what either of us needed, I didn't know what to do.

"God ! Why me!? " I screamed in frustration as soon as I walked into my house, I get my hands on the closest thing to me, which happened to be a glass, and I watched it shatter as I threw it on the ground. "Shit." I frustratedly run my hand throw my hair, out of all the people in the world he just chose me to have a freaking baby at this age.

"God why me! Why me! Why could've been someone else!" I yell and punch the wall making a whole in it, shit my hand was bleeding. But I could give two fucks about it right now.

"Justin Drew Bieber! What in the world is going on down here!" I could hear my mothers voice from a distance, but my mind was still focused on the thought of Stephanie being pregnant. I was drowning out the throbbing pain in my hand and my mothers voice.

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