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Standing there I was completely shocked at the fact that my father was standing in front of me. I can't believe my mom had the nerve to bring my father back into my life especially After all he's done to me, to my mom, to my brother. Why the hell would she allow him in this house? "What is he doing here?" I angrily ask my mom, still not acknowledging his presence.

"Steph he hasn't seen you in years be nice." My mom says and I scoff , there obviously was a reason for that."There's a reason for that!" He cheated on my mom and then dumped her and married his slut wife, He never spoke to me or my mom and my brother again he just left us without any contact and I hate him for that. "Stephanie " my mom said in a strict tone, I just roll my eyes, I couldn't believe she was allowing him here.

"Stephanie , I know I haven't been around for a long time but I wanna try and fix things. Spend more time with you. I'm moving to LA and-" wait what? He can't move here. I'm happy and he'll ruin it all. He needs to go back to wherever he was for the past ten years, and leave me alone. "No you're kidding you're not really moving to LA." I laugh and he shakes his head, I didn't want him to move here and fuck things up for me. I was doing good!, "I'm moving to LA" My dad says, oh hell no! Why does he think he can play the perfect daddy role? No he can go back to where the hell he came from.

"So you can make my life a living hell!? You've already done that!" I scoff, I don't even understand why my mother would let him in this house, she always made excuses when it came to him. "What makes you think you can come back after all you put my mom and I through, and Jordan, you can't just do that." Who the hell does he think he is? I could feel Justin squeeze my hand, letting me know to calm down, I forgot he was still here. Thank god or I would have lost my mind.

"Steph please-" he gets interrupted by these two little kids. One was a boy who looked about 5 or 6 .The other was a little girl who looked like 3 or 4. "Daddy! Daddy! Can we go to our new house now pleasseeee" the little boy tugged on his arm, daddy? So he left us to start a new life? Why would even think he was welcomed back."Just one minute Cameron." My dad says to Cameron. Look at him playing the perfect little daddy role, but he couldn't bother to give me a call these last ten years, and I was supposed to just let him back in my life.

"This is your little brother and sister. That's Cameron and that's Brooklyn." Dad says, I roll my eyes, having no intentions of forming any connection with the two of them. I can not stand the thought of me having to share blood with that slut who ruined my family. I could feel myself getting angry all over again. I felt Justin grab my hand, once again, letting me know to calm down."Come on Stephanie , I really wanna work on our relationship! I don't want us to be this way for the rest of our lives. I love you and I miss my little princess" oh please, bullshit, he's only doing this because he has too, he knows he would be forced to have contact with me if we live in the same goddamn city, he couldn't make up any excuses

"1. I'm not your little princess anymore and 2. You should have thought of that when you cheated on mom. We could have had a perfect family! Mom , You, Jordan, Me ! But you screwed it up! I hate you! And I don't wanna fix it! " I yell in his face, a little harsh? I don't care he put our family through a lot, if he would have stayed I wouldn't have went out with Jason and became a bad girl all because I wanted some attention from him.

"Stephanie please ." he tried to beg me to stay, now he'll understand what it's like for someone to walk out on him. "No just go ! Leave me alone ! I hate you" and with that I run upstairs, maybe a little dramatic but who cares? I ran into my room and plop on my bed I bury my head in my pillow and I allow The tears to just pour out on my pillow.

I can't believe he actually thinks that it's ok for him to come back and act like everything's perfect. I have not herd from him in ten fucking years. What makes him think that's ok. It's not ok. "Babe?" Justin comes in and sits on my bed next to me, and immediately I could feel the some of the tension leave me body, he just had that affect on me.

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