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Stephanie had finally feel asleep, she was fighting her sleep because she had been scared that if I left her the person would come back. I glance at the time next to me, It was currently 12 am. I was going to pay a little visit to the McCann's house, I definitely knew that he was the one behind this, him or that little shit Alex. I carefully remove Steph's head and quietly throw on my pants along with my supras.

"Justin?" her sweet little innocent voice calls out. "Shh it's ok baby, I'll be right back. call me if you need anything. Don't be scared" I softly kiss her cheek, She nods and heads back to sleep. I carefully walk downstairs and walk out the door. Cautiously closing the door so I don't wake up the house I walk towards my car.

"What the hell man-" Alex stops and smirks when he realizes who it was. "Bieber . What brings you here at this time of the hour?"

"Cut the crap . I know it was you in Stephanie's room. Why were you there" I step inside the house, I know it was a bad idea to come here alone, but they weren't going to hurt me or anything, at least not when it was just the two of them, I would have the beat.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." My suspicions were confirmed, it definitely had to be Jason in her room. "Lil bro , you have a visitor." Alex calls, and soon walks in Jason with a t shirt and some grey sweats.

"What the hell do you want Bieber?" He groggily said, he probably was sleep but who cares, he could sleep when he was dead.

"I wanna know why the hell you were in my girlfriends room?" By the twisted smirk on his face, I definitely knew that he had tried to scare Stephanie.

"Oh that? Psh, I was only having innocent fun. " I could stop my hands from wrapping his neck, he was gone too long and forgotten who I was.

"Listen here McCann, if you ever lay a finger on her again, I swear I will kill you before you blink your eyes. " I threaten, I still had it in me despite popular beliefs, I could've killed him with my bare hands but I didn't. "Watch your back McCann , I may not be in the business anymore , but that doesn't mean I'm not as dangerous as I was before." I released my grip around his neck, leaving Jason pathetically coughing to regain his breathe.

"You never learn McCann, you'll never win at this. " I turn around, and walk out back to my car. By the look on Jason's face, I could tell he had gotten the message loud and clear.

The drive back to Steph's was quick because I just wanted to get back to her and hold her in my arms. She had been through a lot yesterday, I wanted her to know that she had me. I parked my car on the street before jogging up to Stephanie's house, I crack the door slowly and slightly, just enough for me to slip without waking the whole house.

I quietly climbed up the stairs to Stephanie's room. I stripped down into my box and I slowly slip into the bed wrapping my arms around Stephanie causing her to stir in her sleep.

"Shh baby girl, it's just me. " I kiss her cheek and then close my eyes myself. I was exhausted and needed the rest.

I wake up to the sun shining bright in my face. I groan and put my head in the pillow. I extended my arms and went to pull Stephanie's small body in , but she wasn't there which immediately made me jump up.

"Stephanie?" I call out but no answer. She wasn't in her bathroom. I walk downstairs and see if she was downstairs. No sign of her. I check my phone for any messages from her. Not any . But there was one new message.

From : Anonymous

To : Justin

Watch your back Bieber, I'm watching you and your precious little girlfriend, and by the way, she has a perfect body.

Justin Bieber : The Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now