Twenty One

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I was genuinely scared for both of us. He wasn't upset, surprisingly. He just smiles "Aren't you two productive, I don't know what I was expecting leaving a homewrecker and Norta's whore together, but I'm just surprised you're not naked." 

It takes Cal about 0.9 seconds to switch into protective mode. "A homewrecker is someone who breaks a family apart If anything you're the homewrecker here, and at least I can get some," He was sweetly stupid, wrapping his arms around my waist,just like after the queenstrial. He was an idiot It would just anger his Majesty more. Cal couldn't see it but, his highness was killing calm.

Maven sighs locking his eyes on me, I felt like a bug, I was a bug. He gives a small chuckle, I'm nothing more than his pet, and he knows that "I have to thank you truly, Tiberias, you've done me a great deed. You've shown me just how much more work I have to do." Maven pauses "You know what to do." He says to no one in particular.

I felt them before I saw them.  Cal started screaming and kicking, he didn't let go though. Sentinels, Huge, humongous Sentinels grabbed at us.  They were not gentle at all, but Cal still wouldn't let go.  He was stubbornly cute if he kept this up he'd just get himself killed in the process. Cal never learned you can't fight what Maven wanted, he's the king. If I didn't stop this I'd have silver polka dots on my dress. 

With a frustrated cry, Cal's hands unbuckle. I could hear Maven chuckling behind us. Now it's my turn to fight, something's wrong with him. He's squirming, like a possum. "CAL,"I feel like I failed myself, I couldn't even call his name twice, I had the wind knocked out of me. I could never consider using my lightning here, His majesty would lose it. 

I don't know how but somehow, Cal finds the strength to lift his head, He looks terrible "Promise me you won't let them own you, Promise me you won't let him own you," He doesn't even have the strength to sit up. "Promise," He barely gets that before he gets thrown into a fit of coughing. Maven can call Cal many things stupid, reckless, violent, war-crazed, He'd called him selfish countless times but he really isn't he's dying and he didn't mention himself once, he's still worried about me. Again uninvited tears, or maybe they were invited, the world didn't always make sense but that's okay because love doesn't make sense. I promise.  

"To the Labs!" Maven chuckles "There's still much more progress to be done, Keep going and don't stop, Lab negative 3.5 boys. Docter Chernobyl will do the rest, I'll be along soon." I've never heard him so happy. 


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