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Sooyoung rested her back against the couch on the floor, her arms hugged her knees and she was looking straight at the television. But she didn't focus watching the show that she turned on.

The living room was silent, only the sounds from the television show is making a bit noise.

"Chae isn't here, who am I gonna vent to." She said, emotionless.

"I'm just lost." She said again before taking a deep breath and exhales them. She closed her eyes for a while, trying to forget what happened before. "Why am I so unlucky?"

The show on the tv ended and right after that her phone ringed signalling call, but she was confused because it was just numbers. It might be one of a stranger who knows her number.

"Hello.." She said weakly.

[Swaㅡoh? Hello? Sooyoung?]

Sooyoung sighed for a moment before replying. She knew that someone will have her numbers.

"Who this."

[This is Yoongi. I'm pretty sure this is Sooyoung right?]

"How did you get my number?"

[I scrolled through Jungkook's phone and dubbidub I found your number so I called you.]

"Eish, what do you want." She scratched her temple.

[Mwoya, why do you sound so mad? It's weird.]

"What? Am I not allowed to get mad? Shaking my head.."

[Woah calm cutie. You're just like Jungkook though. Both of you are like, angry. I don't even know why. Can yoㅡ]


[...okay. But seriously, I don't like to see a girl angry or mad. It makes me sad somehow.]


[Soo ya..]


[Let's go out? Imma treat youㅡbecause you need some fun though.]

"Out? Min Yoongi are you crazy? By the way, you don't know where I live."

[Heh, don't underestimate me. I know how to get your address. Be ready in 15 minutes okay? See ya.]

Yoongi immediately hang up the call and Sooyoung could only give an annoying expession. Her level of 'don't care' just increase. Besides getting ready to go out, she only laid herself on the carpet like a passed out person.


"SOOYOUNG!" She flinched when she heard someone's yelling outside her house and she does recognized who's voice is it.

"Min Yoongi shut the hell up!!" Sooyoung said when she opened the door. Yoongi chuckled and leaned on the doorframe.

"So, let's go?" He raised his right eyebrow like a flirty.

"Go where?" Sooyoung asked, pretending to not know.

"Go out? We talked on the phone just now Soo ya. Don't pretend to be shocked or anything." He said, pouting.

"Nothing shocks me than you knowing where's my house. How did you know my house address bitch?" She folded her arms and glared at him. "Bitch? Cutie girl being fiesty awhh.."

Sooyoung rolled her eyes and she looked at her outfit. She was still in her shirt and a sweatpant.

"You haven't ready thoughㅡdo you really don't want to go out?" He asked despite getting cursed by her.

She hesitated a bit and rubbed her neck. "N-no.."

"Well.." Yoongi put his hand inside his pockets. "I'm just gonna leave then."

Yoongi turned around and put on his hoodie. Sooyoung bit her lips and reached her hand out to Yoongi's arm. Yoongi stopped and looked at her with confusion.

"Can youㅡand I talk inside?" Sooyoung asked. Yoongi did nothing but to smile.

his girl 2 ↠ jungkook [sequel]Where stories live. Discover now