Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


"Guys." Leo whimpered quietly as he held up his phone for us. Eleven o' two. Perfect.

"What do we do? Someone is seriously trying to freak us out!" I whispered harshly as I spun around and looked between the two. Adam shrugged while Leo practically held a lightbulb over his head.

"Did you tell Marcus?" Leo asked knowingly. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I had barely gotten to know the kid, let alone gotten to the what movies have you watched conversation. That would have been too deep for us.

"No, but knowing him he probably was watching it with us through the window." I hissed through my teeth a I motioned to the window without any drapes. Chase and I really needed to fix that. Marcus was a creep as it was. It had to be him just outside the door. Again, note the creepy part of me walking over to open the door to some masked wacko.

I walked carefully over to the door, trying not to make a sound just before the door knob began to twist open on it's own. Apparently someone knew where the spare key was. I told Chase getting a doormat would be too obvious!

I jumped back into Adam as the door creeped open. He quickly latched onto my arm as he felt me leaning forward to see if anyone was out there. I looked around the corner to see that the hallway was still as empty as it had been just under two minutes ago. I shook Adam's hand off my arm as I took the small step towards the door and looked around the corner, not making it, though.

"Hello." An eery voice screeched through the hallway just as someone walked around the corner, coming way too close for comfort. I could feel myself shaking as I ran back over to Adam's side, the supposed man closing the door behind him. He wore that stupid white mask from the movie and held the same freaking axe that we had held in our nightmares six months ago. I bit my lip as he came closer to me again, Adam shoving me into him out of fear.

"Adam!" I hissed just before the man took his arms and quickly got me into a hold like he was going to kill me. He wrapped one arm around my torso and another near my neck, the axe holding me still. I held my lips together as I held back a quiet scream. This was worse than the haunted house Chase and I went to when we were ten*.

"Bree." Adam whispered helplessly. Leo's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his skull as he watched in fear. Yeah, so much help guys. I would probably be just as worse off if they weren't here.

"Do something!" I yelled, not caring if this guy was holding an axe to my neck. This was stupid! They had to do something! Especially since they weren't being held at axe point! That's a thing right?

"Doesn't Chase have like a knife or anything!" Leo whined before running off down the hallway and into Chase's room. Yeah, Chase would have a switch blade or something in his room. Think Leo.

"Wait up, Leo!" Adam cried as he clumsily ran after his friend, the two idiots slamming the door and locking it behind them. The man laughed snidely as he slowly began to walk me back down the hallway after them. I took in uneven breathes as he stopped us just outside of my room. The axe felt fake in a weird way, but it was still freaking scary.

"This yours?" He whispered against my ear, sending shivers down my spine for some reason. I nodded numbly before he gently shoved me inside. I stumbled over until I was next to the back wall, instantly standing myself up against it. Which if you ask me, should have been the last thing I would do in this situation. The man turned and shut the door as Leo and Adam were coming out to save me, most likely without the nonexistent knife that Chase supposedly had. The man laughed as the two tried to run in after me, only getting the door slammed and locked in their faces. I felt like my blood was running cold as he turned back to me, weaving the axe between his hands before he set it down on the ground carefully and advanced towards me. I closed my eyes and turned my face over to the side until my cheek was touching my wall. Some good times have been had here. Now Marcus was going to kill me.

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