Chapter 26 - Part One of the Five Part Wedding Event

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Chapter 26 - Part One of the Five Part Wedding Event


The lights. The cameras flashing within the airport parking lot. And finally, the two idiots that were running into each other beside me. That plane ride was enough to drive me insane. Somehow, I was sat next to Leo. Adam, Caitlyn and Jannel were in front of us. Adam and Leo were fighting and throwing pretzels at each other the entire time. At least Chase was right next to me to kind of buffer, but still.

"Guys!" I snapped as I jumped in between them. Adam frowned and let his arms hang down by his sides while Leo crossed his over his chest. "Calm yourselves. We just got here." The two were freaking have a slap fight for no apparently reason. I was only a lot sick of this. How do Caitlyn and Jannel live with them?

"Exactly." Leo said, sounding as though he was hinting at something before pushing past me and walking over to Jannel. I rolled my eyes as Chase reached over and grabbed onto my arm, pulling me off to the side.

"What?" I asked as he pulled me closer, my stomach bubbling with excitement of the two of us possibly getting back together this trip. That was all I wanted, and it seemed like it may happen. It was Vegas for crying out loud. What wouldn't happen on this trip?

"I just didn't want you to cause a bigger scene. Thank you for stopping the potential boy on boy slap fight, though." Chase whispered, a sly smile playing out on his face as I laughed and pulled away, hearing my name being called by Caitlyn. She had been fine for the last week since the baby incident. She did lose the baby. It was pretty much the saddest day of all time for any of us since there wasn't really a reason for it happening, but we were still happy Leo and Jannel were getting married in three days.

Adam and Caitlyn had ended up flying down with us while Davenport, Tasha, and my dad decided to drive the big stuff down with them. The rest was already shipped down here months ago, or we brought it with the six of us on the plane.

"Come look at this!" Caitlyn said happily as she raced over the ledge. I smiled and ran over, letting my hands clasp around the semi short fence that held us away from the edge. The airport was up on a large hill just above Las Vegas. The entire city was already lit up all the way across the sky line. This was incredible.

"Wow." I breathed before feeling someone walk up next to me.

"I can't decide whether this is better than New York or not." Chase whispered saratucally before I sent him a knowing glance. "I'm joking. It's ten times better. Cause this time, I'm actually here with you... Guys. With you guys." Chase stumbled before turning around and looking towards the limo that had pulled up behind us. I smiled to myself before spinning around to see the limo. My mouth dropped.

"Who's the snooty person ridding in that thing?" I teased before seeing the wary smiles on Leo and Jannel. My eyes widened. "Kidding! I love it!" I cried as I gripped Chase's hand and pulled him inside. There was a small disco ball set up in the center of the ceiling of the limo while the roof was being pulled back for us to look out into the city. Leo and Jannel hopped in the right side while Adam and Caitlyn got in on the left behind us. The driver closed the doors after Adam and Caitlyn were seat soundly at the back before making his way over to the front and starting up the car. I smiled as the disco ball and lights lit up the inside of the car, the whole thing glowing while the music started. I smiled and turned to Chase after realizing what song it was.

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