This Is War (2 days later)

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     I wasn't wasting ANY time. I had a mission. I prepared everyone for war. This battle wouldn't resemble those that have previously happened between the two nations. I was going into Eden with every single soldier in our disposal. There was no time to lose...Anonydeath was preparing as well...and I WILL be ready. Without wasting any time, I quickly informed everyone about our retribution. I primed every missile, loaded every cannon, trained every soldier, activated every drone, fueled up every vehicle and personally sharpened my sword. I even engraved the word:"Anonydeath" on my sword. While I was upgrading my flamer, I heard a knock on the door.

-"Yeah?" I asked.

-"Lord Mike, it's the admiral, may I enter?" He asked.

-"Yes admiral, come in." 

     He entered the room and I turned to face him. He saluted me before speaking.

-"Sir, our preparations have been going as planned. The men should be completed in three days." He said.

-"That's not fast enough. Anonydeath will be ready for a retaliation by then. Accelerate your efforts!" I ordered in a stern tone.

-"If you wish, I can cancel two out of three break periods for the troops and have the privates work the night shift to help speed up."

-"Good idea, but if you're going to cancel the break periods, make the one that they do have at least 30 minutes longer."

-"Roger that sir."

     He exited the room as I continued my work. I realize the troops will be a bit upset for not having three breaks but at least I'm elongating the one that they do have. I think that this will be a formidable test for my newest creation. The truth is, before Plutia died, I was building a super weapon that could give us the edge that we need. A giant robot that would be able to level entire mountains! I finished perfecting it yesterday...I look forward to using it.


     Thanks to the admiral's suggestion, the preparations are complete. I asked a lot of soldiers what they thought about the sudden work changes. They said they were fine with it and they were willing to help. I'm grateful that they are so understanding. I guess that they're just as enraged as I am. Once everyone was ready, I approached the front of the men and spoke up. The news spread to the nation that we were going to war. Reporter cameras were pointed at me as I began speaking.

-"Men and women of Planeptune, today is a day that will surely be one of the greatest days in the history of Gamindustri, no matter the outcome. You stand here today because you know that you are defending your nation with your life, your liberty and your future. We have suffered losses in the past but we have kept moving forwards. Because they fell, we have risen above ourselves. Because they were brave, we get to be free on our home soil. Because they gave their lives, we now have the opportunity to save more. Before we march forwards into uncharted territory, please remember this: I can't promise anyone a ride home, but if you're with me, the whole nation is behind you. If you fall on the field of battle, your sacrifice will not be forgotten. If we stand victorious you will be known as one of the many parts of the very shield of Planeptune. I believe that in each and every one of you, there is a soldier that is willing to fight to protect their home and die to protect that of others. When we go into the threat, we go with bravery and not a hint of fear, because I know that even if you die...your family and those around you will always remember you as a hero. For the future of Planeptune and for Gamindustri, me MUST take the Eden Basilicom!" I said proudly.

-"HOO-RAH!!!" Everyone yelled in unison.

-"Is everybody ready?!" 


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