Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Mika

So Here is a new story I started... I hope people read it and like it :P
Please leave a comment or something letting me know what you think and if it's worth continuing..
Also sorry I've not really edited it well so I apoligise for the many mistakes xxx

I’m walking down the alley from the station to my house when I hear a blood curdling scream. I run faster towards the noise and find a boy lying on ground clutching his stomach in agony as soft deep red liquid flowed out of him. I Vaguely notice two hooded figures running away before my phone is in my hands and I’m dialling 999.
“Hello? Please there’s a boy here. He’s been stabbed. I don’t know what to do. We’re at the end of the alley on Meadow Way. Please help. Please.” I sob down the phone to a lady who is telling me to calm down and take a deep breath, help is on the way. She tells me to get a jumper or something and apply pressure to the wound so I take off my scarf and hold it over the gash on his body.
“Please stay alive. Talk to me. What’s your name? Where do live? Just talk for fucks sake!” I scream at him and vaguely see a ghost of a smile on his lips.
“You ramble a lot.” He whispers and I can’t help but smile. I am rambling but can he blame me?
“I’m Aurora.” I hope if I can keep him talking long enough the ambulance will get here.
“Phoenix.” He gasps and starts to choke on air.
“Shit shit shit. Okay maybe you shouldn’t talk. Just stay conscious.” I think I hear the siren coming so hopefully they’ll get here soon.
“How could I not when such a pretty girl is leaning over me?” Wow this guy is incredible. He’s practically dying and still checking me out.
“Miss I need you to step out of the way. We need to get this man to hospital quickly he’s lost a lot of blood.” I didn’t even see the man behind me but jumped out of the way to let them get to Phoenix. I feel something tugging on my hand and look down to see Phoenix holding it.
“Please don’t go. Come with me.” He looked so innocent and vulnerable that nodded my head quickly and climbed into the ambulance after the guys loaded him up on a stretcher. As I sat down I felt something bulging in my pocket and found a phone there.
“Blaze.” Phoenix muttered before slipping unconscious.

The journey to the hospital was agony and I wasn’t even the one bleeding to death. Why was it I was so worried about a guy I had just met and barley spoken to? Eventually we got there and they rushed off down a hall and through door. When I went after them a nurse stopped me
“Sorry sweetie. You can’t go in there. You have to wait here.” I nodded and suddenly remembered the phone. I took it out and scrolled down the contacts list and found someone called Blaze. This must be what he meant. I pressed called and waited, on the second rind someone picked up
“Hey where are you?” It was a guy with a really nice deep voice and rich Irish accent.
“Oh. Umm. Hi my names Aurora. I don’t know how to say this but um you need to come to the hospital. Phoenix has been stabbed. He told me to call you.” Wow this was awkward how do you tell someone that easily?
“What? Feckin’ hell. What hospital you at?” He now sounded really worried and i felt horrible for being the person to tell him the bad news.
“Ashmont. In the west wind emergency room.” He hung up immediately and i just sat down on one of the shitty plastic chairs. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do, leave or stay. I opted for the latter and took my phone out of my pocket to find 3 messages from my best friend Mika.

Hey Darling!
Party tonight :D Don’t say no!
I’ll be at yours at 7 to get ready

Typical. She’s always trying to get me to go out more. I moved on to the next one.

Oh and I’m thinking black bodycon
for you and dark blue for me!
we’re gonna look sexy ;)

Ha. That one made me laugh. She always looks gorgeous but whenever we party she has to step it up a notch.

One last thing. You are soooo
hooking up with someone
tonight! Time to put the
past in the past Baba

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