Chapter 2

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Omg! Thank you sooo much for the lovely comments and the new fans! I really appreciate the support :) Hope you like this chapter xxx

“Ahh, I’m never drinking again.” Mika whimpered as she carefully lifted her head off the pillow. I grinned at her over my book
“Sure thing sweetie..” She always says that and then she drinks again as soon as we go to the next party.
“So what we doing today?” She asks me
“Well I’m going to the hospital to see that guy i was telling you about who was stabbed. You can come with me if really want?” It was weird but I really didn’t want her to come and we share everything usually.
“Nah, I’m alright hospitals freak me out. Too many sick people” I laughed and got off the bed to get ready
“What time you going?”
“I’m thinking of leaving here about 1:30ish and getting there for 2.” The exact time Ash said he would be there.
“Okie Dokie I’ll leave soon then” She started to get up to but sat down on the bed again quickly
“Once I get over this headache.” I was in my wardrobe looking for something decent to wear and settled on a pair of tight dark jeans and tank top. I brushed my teeth and put on some make up and I was ready. Mika was just finishing off getting her stuff together and then we went downstairs. I grabbed the key to my bike and Mika got her car keys and we we’re off.
“Bye love, I’ll call you later ok?” I nodded and climbed on my gorgeous motorbike, it is black and sleek and very fast.  As I turn the engine on the feeling of power is incrediable as always. I turn the throttle and speed off.

I walk in to the reception I got a strange feeling in my stomach again like butterflies only this time I couldn’t work out who I was excited and nervous to see. The nurse pointed me to the room and as I approached I heard people talking. Shit I thought what if he’s in there with his parents? I really hate parents their so protective and they constantly chat shit. But when I got to the door I recognised the back of Ash’s head and some girl was with him. I felt a little spike of jealousy at the girl but I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind.
“Hello? I hope I’m not intruding or anything.” I mumbled awkwardly from the doorway
“Aurora! Hey how you doing? I’m glad you came, you might cheer him up a bit!” A bit of heat rose to my cheeks at that unexpectedly but cooled down
“Um yeah I’m good I just came to see how Phoenix was feeling.” The girl was looking at me strangely it was a mixture of bitchiness and curiosity. Phoenix peered around her and his face broke into a grin
“Angel! I didn’t think I’d see you again. I told you not to leave me” He actually looked kind of hurt. Who was this guy? I mean sure I ‘saved’ his life and all but I barely knew him.
“Oh yeah sorry about that... Your brother told me to leave.” His face turned to relief at that
“Okay that makes sense. As long as you didn’t go on purpose.” God he was so sweet like a little child and I found myself smiling back at him until Ash cleared his throat from behind us.
“Sorry to break up any moment you two might be having but me and Abby here have got things to do if you get my meaning” He had the sexiest smirk playing on his lips and I definitely got what he meant. Again a little spike of jealousy ran through me but I brushed it off. Phoenix rolled his eyes
“Of course. Well Bye then have fun” Ash smirked again and turned to walk out the door saying over his shoulder
“Oh we will.” I looked at Phoenix
“Is he always like that?” He smiled but it had a sad tint to it
“Yeah, He’s a bit of player but you get used to it after a while” Sounds like a lot of guys I know
“So how are you feeling? You seem okay for someone who was stabbed yesterday.” That was true I always thought that it took days and weeks even to be conscious never mind joking around.
“I was really lucky the blade didn’t go to deep and they got to me quickly thanks to you.” I blushed again at that. I really didn’t like being thanked for things it made me feel a bit awkward.
“Oh don’t worry about it honestly I’m just glad your okay.” I turned my face away from him a little embarrassed but he grabbed my hand pulling me back around to him
“Hey why don’t you sit down?” He nods his head towards the chair next to the bed and I sit
“So tell me about yourself, I’d like to get to know my angel a bit better” He smiles
“Okay well, My names Aurora I’m 17 and my birthday is in June I live with my parents but they both work abroad a lot so my cousin usually stays with me. I’m an only child, I love the colour red and I’m a quarter Persian a quarter Irish and half French. Will that do?” I smile at him and notice that he has little dimples
“Yes for now. My name is Phoenix as you already knew, I’m also seventeen but my birthday is in May, I live with my two brothers Blaze and Ash who you already met. Our parents died when I was 10 in a car crash. I love the colour green and I’m Half Irish and Half Spanish. Will that do?” He asked cheekily
“Yes although I never asked about you” He laughed and a beautiful rich noise filled the room
“I’m sorry about your parents though” I said
“I know, everyone is but it was a long time ago now and I like to think their happy somewhere” He smiled sadly again and I felt an urgent need to cheer him up once more
“So I noticed Blaze has a bit of an Irish accent yesterday but you don’t, How come?”
“Oh we used to live there but we moved when I was 8 and me and Ash lost our accents really but Blazed stayed in Ireland until 2 years ago when turned 18. He came over to take us out of foster care.” Unlike a lot of people who when mentioning foster care would seem angry or sad Phoenix just seemed to accept it
“How do you guys support yourselves?” I asked genuinely curious
“Our parents had a big business and quite a bit of money so when Blaze turned 18 he inherited it and he also works at a mechanics near where we live.” That was so predictable. Tall brooding handsome guy working at a mechanics
“And where do you go to school?” I knew most of the schools nearby so there was a good chance I’d know his
“I’m starting at Meadowview on Monday. Before that I went to loads of different schools as I moved around.”
“I go to Meadowview so I’ll see you there, maybe we can hang out?” I asked shyly I kind of liked him he was so sensitive and strange but in a really good way. He would get along with my few friends perfectly
“That’s awesome and thanks I’d like that.” His eyes turned to the door and he smiled
“Hey Bro, I thought you’d be back to check on me” I glanced behind me expecting to see Ash but instead I was met with Blaze. He was dressed in faded jeans, a black fitted tshirt and boots and he look really really tired
“How you feeling? The nurse said you would probably be able to go home in couple of days” He only seemed to acknowledge my presence then giving me a nod
“Hi again. Sorry about being so short with you yesterday. I was a bit stressed, Ash told me I was rude” He looked sheepishly at me
“Don’t worry I completely understand.” And I did, he obviously cared a lot about his brothers and for that I respected him.
“I’m Blaze, I know you already know but I haven’t really properly introduced myself.” I took the hand he was offering and shook it. Tingles went up my arm when we touched and a slight blush rose to my cheeks
“Aurora. Nice to meet you, properly” He smiled at me and nodded. I heard Phoenix clear his throat a bit in the background and I was momentarily startled. What was wrong with me? Flirting with the older brother of a guy I thought I just decided I kind of liked? That wasn’t like me at all. You could say a lot about me but I defiantly wasn’t a flirt at least not in front of people.
“Oh um sorry. I’ll go. Um I guess I’ll see you Monday then Phoenix” and with that I started towards the door
“Wait you don’t have to go. I mean don’t leave just because I’m here.” Blaze looked a bit embarrassed
“Oh no really its fine I have things I have to do.” Again I turned to walk out but was called back again
“Aurora. Maybe I could get your number and meet you before school?” He asked me hopefully
“Yeah sure. Here give me yours and I’ll send you a text” I pulled my phone and punched in his number before sending over a little message

Meet me at the coffee house
across from the school at
7:30 – Aurora xxx

“Okay” He smiled and nodded and I walked out the door but not before hearing
“So you got a date then little brother?” That made me smile and put me in a really good mood for the rest of the day.

So let me know what you think.. Is it too early to decide on Team Blaze, Ash or Phoenix??

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