Chapter 5

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Hey Guys so I have reached 50 votes for this story and decided to upload a bit early becuase I was in such a good mood :) Thank you and hope you enjoy this chapter xx

“Auri. Auri can you hear me? Please wake up. Come on.” My eyelashes fluttered open slightly and I saw Flint leaning over me
“Flint what happened? Please tell me everything was a bad dream and nothing more.” I was broken
“Yes your parents are not your birth parents but frankly why would you want them? Sorry that was a bit insensitive, but its not all bad really. Well that depends on your definition of good.” He was ramble which was not good Flint never rambled unless he was really nervous. It was something we had in common
“Basically. We aren’t just cousins, we’re brother and sister. My mum had an affair and ended up getting pregnant and she freaked out and didn’t know what to do and then my dad found out and he flipped out because of his reputation and it was bad. And then your parents found out around that time that they couldn’t have children and it just seemed to fit into place.” I didn’t know what to say. What we’re you supposed to say when you find out that not only are you adopted but your real parents we’re horrible and your cousin or brother had lied to you for years
“Wait. How long did you know about this?”  That was important I had to know how much I needed to be angry
“You have to understand Auri they wouldn’t let me tell you, I wanted to but they said I couldn’t.” I couldn’t believe it
“You bastard! You let me go on loving them and loving you when you were all keeping that from me! I feel like such an idiot. Just get away from me! I can’t even look at you!” I pushed away from him and grabbed a bag and started to stuff clothes and stuff into it
“Auri just stop please! Don’t do this! Don’t let them drive us apart! I wanted to tell you!” I spun around
“But you didn’t did you? You never listen to them. So why didn’t you tell me? Huh? No reason no explanation. Fuck you Flint. I’m leaving do not follow me. Or call me or contact me in anyway, I can’t even look at you. You bastard!” Tears were falling down my face but I just brushed them away and ran down the stairs. I got into my car throwing my bag in the backseat and started up the engine pulling out of the driveway at high speed.
About 10 minutes later of just driving I pulled over to the side of the road and got out my phone. I scrolled though my contacts trying to find someone I could stay with but there was no one I really wanted to talk to. Mika would ask too many questions and I just really couldn’t take talking about it right now. Ethan would be the same and Roxy had enough on her plate without me turning up on her doorstep. Suddenly an idea came to me and I scrolled down to P selecting Phoenix’s number and pressing dial
“Hello?” I let out a breath at the sound of his voice
“Phoenix please just don’t ask questions but can I stay at yours for a few days?” I prayed he would say yes
“Of course, where are you? Do you want me to pick you up?” I thanked the lord for his easygoingness
“No it’s okay I’m in my car but what’s your address?”
“Okay. You know Medway Mansion Estate? Yeah if you head over there and when you get to the gates buzz the bell and I’ll let you in.” Medway Estates? God he must be rich. I hung up the phone after saying thanks and started the 10 minute drive to the richest part of town. As I pulled up to the beautiful gated community I let out a gasp. It was stunning, big green oak trees lined the pathway up to the mansions which were surrounded by fields of lush grass and plant life. The mansions themselves looked like castles. I got out of the car and walked up to the intercom. I pressed down on the buzzer and an electronic voice replied
“State name and occupier.” Wow they had really tight security here
“Aurora, I’m here to see Phoenix?” I wasn’t quite sure what I was meant to say but it seemed to work as a quite bleeping sound was followed by Phoenix’s voice
“Hey Aurora I’m opening the gate, drive up to number 3 and I’ll meet you outside.” I followed his instructions and stopped out side of one of the mansions that had a big 3 hanging over the door. Phoenix was waiting outside leaning against the door
“Hey come here. Jeffery will get your bag and park the car.” Just as I was about to ask who Jeffery was a smartly dressed man of about 60 stepped outside. He gave me a curt nod and started towards the car
“Sir as I keep reminding you my name is John.” Phoenix smiled
“Ahh but Jeffery suits you so much more!” So they had butlers? This was defiantly going to be a new experience. Just as I was about to ask if he was sure it was okay for me to stay Phoenix pulled me into a hug
“I’m not sure what is exactly is wrong but it is clear you don’t want to talk about it yet. Know this though I am hear for you when your ready, okay? And you can stay here as long as you like.” I took a moment to just feel safe wrapped in his embrace before pulling away
“Thank you for understanding. And thank you for letting me stay, I really appreciate it.” He smiled and motioned for me to go inside which I did. He place was even better on the inside. Two big spiral staircases stood in the middle of a massive foyer like area and big living rooms were off to each of the sides. We walked up the stair while Phoenix told me where everything was like the kitchens (Yes Plural), den, game room, bedrooms, bathrooms, gym, sauna and steam room, pool, library and studies. Finally we came to a room which he said was mine and I went inside. A massive four poster bed was in the middle and an elegant wardrobe at one side. I had my own bathroom and TV. I don’t think I would ever want to leave at this rate
“Omg. Wow. This is incredible. Who planned the whole house? I mean no offense but three guys living in a house like this is kind of unheard of.” He laughed
“I know but Ash is really into design and we have visitors a lot from the extended family and stuff so we thought it would be best if the place was presentable.” I nodded
“Okay so I’ll let you get settled in, I’m two doors down to the left if you need anything and Ash is a couple of doors to the right but be warned it’s best to knock before going in. He has a lot of female guests.” I rolled my eyes at that. How predictable could a guy be? Phoenix left me in the room and I plonked down on the bed feeling extremely tired from the day. There was a knock at the door and I got up to open it. Jeffery stood there with my bag
“Oh thank you very much, um sorry for the hassle.” This was kind of awkward, I wasn’t used to talking to ‘staff’
“Don’t worry about it Miss. If you ever need anything just buzz on the intercom and ask for me. It  will be nice to have a little female influence in this house. Maybe you can control the boys better than me and the rest us.” I laughed
“I doubt that but I’ll try my best. How many are there? Servants I mean, oh sorry I don’t really know what I meant to call you.” I went a bit red and hoped I didn’t insult him
“Staff is fine. There are about 10 of us including the cleaning ladies. Maddie and Molly are in the kitchens, Pat deals with the gardening, Roger takes messages and puts calls through, I am sort of an overall guy greeting guests and dealing with requests and then there are the cleaning women who come in 3 times a week to keep the place in shape.” Wow staying here was going to be pretty weird. I was used to doing everything for myself.  Jeffery nodded and said he would leave me in peace. I put my bag on the bed and rummaged through to see what I had actually brought. I left in such a hurry but I managed to grab a couple of pairs of jeans and some tops, a hoodie, underwear and socks, Pyjamas, my toothbrush, hairbrush, purse with 50 quid and phone. So really not that bad but I didn’t have any make up except for eyeliner and lip balm plus no shampoo or conditioner. I wondered into the bathroom and found a cupboard with practically everything a girl could need including tampons. These guys were prepared for everything. I changed into my baggiest t shirt and some shorts and crashed on the bed exhausted. Slowly I drifted into sleep.

So as always let me know your thoughts and opinions.. Please vote as well it makes me feel so happy :P  I'll hopefully be able to update sometime soon like a couple of days but I'm back to school tomorrow so it will be work work work......xx

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