Chapter 25

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Hello, Sorry I've been MIA this last month... things have been busy since school ended! You wouldnt belive it!! Anyway Here is the next chapter and another one is being written as we speak so it shouldnt be long xxxxx

I followed Ash into the crowded house holding onto his arm tightly so I wouldn’t get lost or left behind. People were shouting and laughing and the place was packed with people pushing and dancing

“You want a drink?” He asked me and I nodded in response so he lead me over to the kitchen

“What you want? Beer, coke, whatever the hell this is?” He picked up a bottle of some form of alcohol with a lot of Russian writing on it

“Um I think I’ll just have a beer thanks.” If I was going to enjoy this party at all I needed to be slightly buzzed. He handed me the bottle and pulled on my hand again dragging me to the living room. The room was filled with what seemed like hundreds of teenagers and 20 somethings dancing

“Wanna dance?” He smirked and raised an eyebrow, I rolled my eyes
“Sure just keep your hands the safe zone.” He laughed and held up his hands in defence

“I swear, only friend dancing. Nothing more.” I smiled
“Well come on then.” We started to dance and true to his word he kept his hands away from me.

About 20 minutes later I needed the loo so I told him where I was going and headed odd in the direction he had pointed out. It took about 10 minutes to push my way through the crowd and when I eventually got there someone was inside so I leaned up against the wall and waited

“Well well, what have we got here? I’ve been looking for you Angel, Megs said she saw you here when we arrived. Is that your boyfriend the guy who’s with you?” I almost banged my head in annoyance against the wall as Megs came up behind Niall, of course these two would have to ruin my night.

“No Niall actually it seems little Aurora here is cheating on her boyfriend. With his brother. That’s Ash out there isn’t it? Not Phoenix, have you been a bad girl Auri?” I rolled my eyes and pulled myself up

“Oh for fucks sake! Yes I’m here with Phoenix’s brother but he knows I am. Ash and I are just friends, Not that it’s any of your busy at all. Can you both just piss off and leave me the fuck alone?” I went to shove past them but Niall grabbed hold of my arm

“I don’t like being spoken to like that Angel. Remember your place. Eventually you’re going to fuck up your perfect little life here and when you do your going to need me, so I’d remember my manners if I were you.”  I gulped just a little as his gripped tightened but tried to put on a brave face

“Fuck. You” I hissed and spat at his feet, faster than I could register his hand pulled back and slammed into my face. I sank to the floor and he leaned over me
“Your just trash Angel, no one gives a shit about you. Not your family, not your friends, no one.” Megs was giggling behind him and she draped an arm over his shoulder

“Come on babe, I’m bored with this bitch, can we go now?” He wrapped an arm about her waist
“Yeah lets go.” They walked away and I curled myself up into a ball and silently cried as people walked over me

“Aura? What the hell happened to you? Who did this? I’m gonna fucking kill them!” I glanced up and saw Ash looking very angry. His fists were clenched by his sides and his eyes were hard. He wasn’t looking at me but around him

“Just forget about it. Their gone, there’s nothing you can do.” I whispered and his head snapped back towards me as if only remembering I was there
“Shit come on, let’s just you home.” He picked me up even though I was perfectly capable of walking and carried through the house back to his car.

Once I was inside and strapped in I watched as he walked around to his door but he didn’t get inside. Instead he started punching the top of the car and he opened the door but slammed it back shut. I quickly opened the door and ran around to him
“ASH STOP IT! Please calm done! I’m fine.” I pulled at his arm and he looked at me in such pain it broke my heart

“I’m sorry, it’s just when I saw you there on the floor crying, I thought they had...” I gasped knowing what he was on about
“NO! It wasn’t like that! It was just some prick hit me! I’m fine I promise.” I can’t believe he thought they had raped me and I shuddered at the thought. Suddenly I was being pulled into a tight hug, Ash held onto me and I slowly wrapped my arms around him

“Good, I was just so worried.” I smiled
“It’s nice to see you care so much about me.” I tried to lighten the mood and thankfully it worked
“Nah I just didn’t want Phoenix to kill me.” I laughed and hit him lightly across the stomach. After a little while we got back in the car and started to drive

“Well seeing as that got cut short, we have loads of time to spare, what you want to do?” He asked glancing at me
“I’m actually kinda hungry...” He laughed
“McDonalds it is then.”

Soon enough we were pulling into the fast food restaurant and once in I went to a table while he ordered the food

“Here you go, one chicken nugget meal.” He placed the food down in front of me
“Thanks, I’m sorry about tonight. I know you were having fun.” He frowned
“What have you got to be sorry about? It’s not your fault at all. Besides as long as I’m with you I’m having fun.” I smiled

“Thanks, me too, you’re not as bad as you seem you know. You barely flirted with anyone, at least not in front of me.” He smirked
“That’s because I had the most beautiful girl there with me.” I laughed and threw a chip at him

“Yeah, your brothers girl, remember that.” Yeah maybe you should too. My brain reminded me. And I sighed quietly and started to eat.

So there you go! Thanks for reading :) votes and comments would be lovely! xxxxx

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