Chapter 14

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hi guys I know its been ages and im really sorry but ive been very sick :( Im feeling a lot better now though and I hope you like this chapter and please leave your thoughts if you hav time

My eyes widened considerably and my mouth hung open
“Wh- but, how? When?” I stumbled on the words as they formed difficulty on my tongue. Flint looked panicked and seemed to be trying to come up with something to say
“It just happened. Auri I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you! Please don’t be mad at Roxy, this was my fault.” Flint tried to take all the blame as usual
“No that’s not fair. I had just as much a part in this as you did and she cant just be mad at you.” Roxy snapped at him
“Honey, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but I’m not sorry this happened. And to answer your question it happened about a week ago when you and Mika went out to that party.” That made sense sort of because if I hadn’t been so caught up in my own business all week then I would have noticed that something was different about her
“Look I’m not mad at you guys, okay? I just wish you would have told me instead of having to find out like this.” They nodded and looked ashamed of themselves. I sighed feeling a bit tired
“So are you guys a thing now? I just need to know straight okay?” Flint looked as though he was about to say something but Roxy butted in
“No. It’s not like that, he doesn’t like me like that, and we’re just having fun.” Was I the only person that noticed that she didn’t say that she didn’t like him? Flint looked down at the floor but nodded slightly in agreement
“Fine, I don’t care to be honest just be careful, I care about both of you so much and I don’t want anyone to get hurt okay?” I pushed past them knowing that I was acting funny but I suddenly felt so tired that all I wanted to do was lie down. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and then headed upstairs to rest in my room for a bit. Phoenix could find me later.
When I got there I took out the key from my bra to unlock the room and then relocked it and lay down on the bed. I lay there for about 20 minutes until I was feeling a bit more human again and then slowly eased myself up straight. Just as I was going to the door to join back with the others I noticed my phone buzzing, I walked over wondering who was calling and praying that it wouldn’t be Niall or Megs
“Hello? Who is this?” I could hear breathing on the other side of the line and I started to think of all those horror films where the girl gets the creepy heaving breathing call from a stranger who tells her he can see her or something
“Is this Aurora?” A deep male voice asked
“Yes, now who is this?” I was getting annoyed, it was most likely just a stupid prank call
“Your mother baby, your real mother.” Only then did I notice the slight drunken slur in the voice, one that was familiar to my aunt. A completly different part of my brain was commenting on how cliché this moment was
“What do you want Aunt?” I stressed the uncle part. Just because I was technically her daughter didn’t mean she was suddenly a mother to me. I wanted nothing to do with the woman that had so easily abandoned her son
“I heard you found out the truth. I just wanted to let you know that you shouldn’t expect me to come calling for you. You were a mistake I never wanted you, and neither does my sister. You’re a burden, it was your fault my life went down the drain. It’s your entire fault. My husband left me because of you. No one loves you baby girl.” I forgot to breath. I knew she wasn’t a nice woman and that she was an alcoholic but how could anyone say that someone, let alone their daughter? I ended the call quickly and sank down on the fall folding in on myself. I felt my eyes burning with tears which rapidly began to fall down my face and I shook like I had a fever.
I don’t know how long I sat there for just shaking and crying to myself but I was aching and knowing that people would be downstairs looking for me made it so much worse. I couldn’t go back down there after what had happened I couldn’t face everyone and by the sounds of it the party was still in full swing. I decided that I was just going to stay there until it all ended and I could make up an excuse for phoenix tomorrow.
knock knock
I looked up at the door but didn’t make a move towards it
“Aurora? Are you in there?” I frowned, I had expected it to be Flint or Phoenix but the familiar Irish tint sounded like a very concerned Blaze. I stayed where I was and waited for him to leave me alone
“Aurora I know your in there. Everyone is looking for you, what’s wrong? Has something happened?” Why did he even care? He doesn’t know me! Phoenix had probably just made him come and look for me
“Go away Blaze. I don’t want to see anyone, tell Phoenix I’ll call him tomorrow okay?” I whispered
“No Aurora, let me in. Talk to me okay?” He pleaded, I still couldn’t understand why he would care
“Why do you care? You don’t know me!” I sobbed out
“I don’t need to know you. I just want to help, sometimes its good to talk to someone who doesn’t know you.” I sighed and raised my hand to open the door
“If I let you in you have to swear that you wont tell anyone anything and that it’s just you on the other side of this door.” I stated, I couldn’t have the others looking at me like this
“I swear Auri.” His voice sounded sincere so I opened the door just enough for him to slide in. He took one look at me sitting against the wall and sank down to sit next to me and put one arm around me. It should have felt awkward because I barely knew him but it was nice. My head rested on his shoulder and I slowly felt my breathing even out
“So do you want to talk about it?” He asked the dreaded words
“No not really.” I whispered feeling my eyes well up again
“I’m here if you do. I don’t know why Aurora but I feel like I’ve known you for years and I do care about you, okay?” He said quietly and my heart swelled at his kind words
“I know what you mean. I feel so comfortable with you and I don’t know why.” I said. His arm tightened once more around me pulling me even closer so I was practically sitting on his lap
“I shouldn’t be here.” My heart came crashing down and I braced myself for his warm body to leave my side
“You like Phoenix and he likes you a lot. You’re my brother’s girl. I should leave.” I said once more but I got the feeling that he was talking to himself so I didn’t say anything
“But I can’t leave you.” He placed his head on mine. Why did this feel so right? Sitting here with him?
“Thank you.” I whispered and lifted my head up from its place on his shoulder to look him in the eyes. I was momentarily shocked by how close and began to pull away but he caught and stopped me from moving any further
“Your welcome, if you ever need to talk about anything or need some comfort don’t even hesitate to call me.” The sincere look in his eyes surprised me
“How old are you Blaze?” I was curious because the age gaps between the brothers seemed pretty small
“Just turned 20, why?” He looked confused
“I was just wondering, you and your brothers are so close.” He smiled
“That’s what happens when your brothers are all you’ve got.” A frown quickly passed over his face but was gone just as fast
“Can we not talk about my brothers though now? It will only make me feel guilty for being here instead of Phoenix.”
“You shouldn’t feel guilty; you have nothing to be sorry for. You haven’t done anything wrong.” I told him sternly
“If I stay here any longer I might.” I blushed slightly, he couldn’t possibly like me? Could he?

So yeah let me know your thoughts and all that sorry again about the wait!
Love you all xxxxx

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