Chapter 13

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Hello you wonderful people!!! Here is the next chapter. I hope you all enjoy it :) Sorry it took me a while longer to upload my life has been really crazy! But hopefully things should get better soon :) So yeah I threw in a little of Ash's P.O.V in here becuase I felt like it :P Let me know if there is anyone in particular that you would like to hear from.. that is it I will now let you read :P

“Argh! Can someone please help me with this table?” I shouted from the living room. Ethan came in smiling happily
“Ahh is little Auri too weak to take care of one tiny table?” i punched him in the arm and he just laughed shrugging it off to help me shift the table to the other side of the room. We were clearing the house out for the party tonight. Mika, Roxy, Ethan, Phoenix and Flint were all helping out moving the furniture and putting away the valuables

“Okay where should I put this?” Mika asked holding up an expensive looking painting
“Umm down in the basement I think, we could put everything breakable down there and then lock it.” She nodded and went to get the keys from Flint
“So Auri I here you and Phoenix are going together tonight? Any truth to this rumour?” Ethan questioned me slyly looking at me out of the corner of his eye
“Perhaps. You’ll just have to wait and see” I said back to him winking, laughed and at that moment Phoenix walked in
“Speak of the devil and he shall appear.” Ethan muttered making my giggle even more

“What you two laughing at?” Phoenix raised his eyebrows at our strange behaviour
“Oh you know, nothing much just life.” I answered still giggling slightly
“Yeah sure... So what time do you think people will be arriving?”
“Probably about 8 or something so I’d get here about then.” I answered a little shyly looking down at my feet
“So I know it’s your house so I can’t exactly pick you up but maybe I could meet you at a certain time somewhere here?” He seemed a little uncomfortable and was shifting on his feet
“Yeah I’d like that, should we say 8 o’clock in the kitchen?” I glanced up at him
“Okay I’ll be there” He smiled widely at me
“Wow you two could not get more ridiculous.” I heard Ash’s voice from across the room and spun around to see him leaning up against the wall arms crossed smirking at us. My face went red and Phoenix was the same

“What you doing here?” I asked, why did he have to come and ruin the moment?
“Well I just thought that my little brother here might like a ride home and maybe you could use my amazing muscles to lift some stuff.” I rolled my eyes, he wasn’t even that fit. Okay maybe that was a lie but still we did not need his help
“As you can see you were clearly interrupting a conversation so why don’t you go make yourself useful elsewhere?” I put my hand on my hip glaring at him
“ooh feisty! I like it.” He winked but didn’t show any sign of moving
“Hey man, what you doing here?” Flint came walking into the living room carrying a speaker
“Here to pick up Phoenix, his car broke again. It’s been a while how you doing?” Ash asked my brother
“Yeah I’m good, you know just lazing around looking after this one.” He pointed his thumb at me
“HEY! I don’t need that much looking after! If anything it’s the other way around.” I said
“You got a point.” He gave me a one armed hug
“So you coming tonight then? Oh and by the way thanks for letting Aurora stay at yours the other night, we had some stuff that needed to be worked out.” Flint looked at Ash questionably
“Oh yeah, no problem and yup it sounds like it’s gonna be good and you know me, always up for a party.” I rolled my eyes and Flint laughed
“Hmm just don’t party too hard; I don’t want to have to clean up our puke in the morning.” I muttered

“Don’t worry darling, I can hold my liquor.” He winked and I saw Flint frown slightly
“Ok well I guess I’ll be off then unless you need help with anything else?” Phoenix looked over at me
“Nah we can take care of the rest, I’ll see you tonight?” He smiled and nodded before walking over to me and quickly kissing my forehead and walking out of the room. That same strange expression crossed Ash’s face but once again I pushed it out of my mind to concentrate on something else.

Ash’s P.O.V (because I thought some of you might be interested)

There it was again that feeling of jealousy that spiked through me when I saw Auri with another guy. I had never really had that before with any girl but whenever Auri smiled at my little brother or he kissed her on the head I felt a small tugging in my stomach. She was beautiful there was no denying that and headstrong, plus she didn’t instantly fall all over me which I liked. At first she was like a challenge because I thought if I could get her to fall for me it would be fun only she had to go and start something with Phoenix which just ruined it all. I may be a player but I would never steal a girl from my little brother, that’s just wrong. No matter how amazing that girl is

“What you thinking so hard about? Be careful you don’t break something.” Phoenix joked from the passenger seat. We were on our way back to the house and he hadn’t stopped smiling since we had left Auri’s. It was starting to get annoying

“Just stuff. Do you think Auri would mind if I brought someone tonight?” That’s what I needed to do, hook up; it always helps to take your mind off of things
“She shouldn’t, no one too slutty though okay?” Phoenix has always worried about me because of my taste in women. He’s afraid I’ll never settle down
“Yeah yeah. I was thinking Amy; she’s always up for some fun!” I grinned cheekily and Phoenix just sighed loudly
“What am I going to do with you?” I laughed and turned up the volume on the radio to block out his judging of me. It’s not my fault he took the only decent girl in miles.

Auri’s P.O.V

We had finished up with the house and got all the drink and food set up so all that was left was to get ready. I went and had a long shower making sure to wash my hair properly using my nice herbal essences shampoo. After I dried off I put on a dressing gown and sat down to do my hair, I blow dried it all out and then slowly started to curl it taking care. Once that was down I went a got my dress out of the wardrobe and pulled it on. I spent another 20 minutes doing my make up when I heard people starting to arrive

“Hey Love!” Mika called from my bedroom door
“Heya, ooh I love your dress! I forgot how nice it looked! You look beautiful.” She did, her dress was deep blue and tight but not slutty and she had paired it with black heels and blue smoky eyes
“Says you! You always look amazing but you’ve stepped it up a notch tonight. Wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain guy would it?” I smiled slyly at her and pulled on my black heels before standing up. By now the music was blaring downstairs and I could hear a fair amount of people moving around. I looked over at my clock the time read 19:55, I had 5 minutes until I was supposed to be meeting Phoenix
“Okay you ready?” She nodded “Then let’s go!”

The house was packed full of people and we had to half dance half push our way into the kitchen but when we got there even more people seemed to had arrived. I shoved my way through them and saw a very attractive looking Phoenix holding a beer on one side of the room. I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and his eyes widened

“Wow. You look incredible.” I blushed and smiled at him
“Thanks, you don’t look so bad yourself.” We stood there awkwardly for a second before he spoke
“Do you want to go dance?” I nodded and pulled him by the hand to the living room that had been turned into a sort of dance area. I loved the song that was playing and began to move in time to the music and Phoenix did the same putting his hands on my hips but not outrageously low just normally.

We danced for a while until I got a little thirsty so I mouthed to him that I was going to get a drink and went off to try and make my way to the kitchen once more but it was crowded. As I was pushing past people I found Roxy making out with a guy in the hall. I hadn’t seen her yet so I went over to say hi, I knew she wouldn’t mind she was always casually getting off with people at parties but she never went too far. She wasn’t a slut

“Hey Roxy, I can see your having a good time.” I said smirking. She pulled back instantly seeming to be shocked and after a second I realised why. The guy she was making out with was Flint.

Teehee I'm evil I know :P So the next chater should be up on friday at the latest :) Please comment and vote if you would like to make me a really happy person :D Love you all!! Ziggy xx

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