Chapter 23

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AHHHHHHHH THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! I just realised that My boys has reached 4000 reads :) :) I'm really Happy and 300 votes :) :) Thank you soooooooooooooooo much!!!!!! Here is the next chapter!! Hopefully you'll like it, its another little filler one but the next chapters going to be action packed so stay tuned ;) xxxxxxxxxx Oh and you wanted some more Ash time so here it is :)

A yawn escaped my mouth as I stretched my arms above my head. I had slept in the end however it took a while and the few hours sleep meant that my bones ached slightly. Jeans, black boots and a vest seemed like a decent enough outfit for school that day so I had a quick shower and threw it all on applying a thin layer of makeup and dark eye liner before running down to the kitchen to grab an apple on my way out.

It was most defiantly a bike day so I grabbed my keys and headed out. The weather was decent with a slight chill settling on my skin but the sun was shining.

I pulled into my usual spot outside the school building and took off my helmet shaking out my hair
“Aha you look like one of the guys on those ads!” I heard a voice from behind me and I whipped around with a grin on my face

“ETHAN! Where have you been?” I screamed at him before jumping up and giving him a massive hug

“I’m sure you heard about Mika’s little friend at the party... I just didn’t want to be around her quite yet. I know what she’s like; I shouldn’t have expected her to be any different. Besides it’s not like we’re going out or anything...” He seemed so confused and upset my heart broke for him. She might be my best friend but she really doesn’t know what’s good for her sometimes! I mean Ethan was hands down the sweetest, cutest and funniest guy I knew! And he adored her!

“I know, I’m sorry Ethan She’ll come around eventually just give it time I promise.” I smiled comfortingly and gave him another quick hug
“Somehow I don’t think so... Come on we don’t want to be late.” He dragged by my hand into school and to my locker

“Let me know if you see Phoenix k?” Ethan nodded and smiled
“No trouble for the love birds I hope?” I laughed awkwardly
“No of course not!” I muttered scratching the back of my neck
“Wow. Well that’s a lie if I ever saw one! What’s up?” I shook my head
“Don’t want to talk about it. Don’t worry I’m fine, we’re fine, everything’s fine.” Ethan rolled his eyes

“Hmm sure, well he’s on his way over now.” My back stiffened and turned slowly preparing a smile on my face
“Hey” He answered and leant down pecking me on the lips quickly before taking my books off me
“You don’t have to do that you know.” I said rolling my eyes at his chivalry. He was too nice for his own good

“I want to, so are you feeling any better today?” He asked with a sincere mask of concern on his face
“Yeah don’t worry, I told you everything would be fine, didn’t I?” He smiled kindly
“I know I just wanted to check, what sort of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?” He asked

“A bad one.” I joked, even if I didn’t harbour passionate romantic feelings towards him I still felt comforted by his presence and my heart warmed when he smiled at me
“True very true, come on we don’t want you to be late for class.” He took my hand gently in his and led me to my first lesson leaving me there with another quick kiss. I took my seat next to Mika and let out a sigh

“Why do I detect a hint of sadness in you?” She asked with her eyebrows raised
“It’s nothing. Just annoying thoughts. More to the point you’re going to have to face Ethan today you know. It’s not fair to leave him hanging. You know how he feels about you.” She threw her head on the desk

“I know! Okay? It’s just I’m not good at that am I? I don’t have relationships with people! There are always too many feelings! I mean just look at the mess you’re in!” She looked at me accusingly and my eyes widened

“What are you on about? I have a good relationship!” I asked
“Sure. With which brother? Come on Auri we’re not blind! I see the way you look at Phoenix’s brothers! You like them don’t you?”

Brothers?  I thought. I wasn’t aware of any looks towards Ash... Blaze I’ll admit I was attracted to but that had to stop. I was with Phoenix. I had made my decision. Yeah before you got to know the other two... The snide voice muttered in my head. It was true though, everything had become more difficult once I had gotten to know Ash and Blaze a bit better. They weren’t just pretty faces

“Okay class, can I have your attention please?” I swivelled around to face the teacher and tried to get all thoughts of the brothers out of head.

The day had passed by slowly filled with boring and useless knowledge before it was finally time to go home. I said goodbye to Phoenix and the others and started towards my motorbike thinking about nothing in particular until a familiar mop of head came into view

“Hey Aura, You’re looking good today...” Ash smirked obviously checking me out. What he was looking at I had no idea seeing as I was dressed in jeans and a leather jacket, but I guess if anyone could find that a turn on it would be Ash

“Thanks. My eyes are up here you know. That’s better. What you doing here anyway?” As far as I was aware Phoenix didn’t need a ride seeing as his car was fixed and everything

“I wanted to see you. Is that a crime?” His lop sided grin caused my heart to stumble in my chest
“Maybe. Why you want to see me?” I raised my eyebrows and placed one hand on my hip

“I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out this weekend? As friends of course we wouldn’t want to upset my little brother would we?” I frowned
“Why you want to hang out with me?” I couldn’t help but wonder if he had alternative motives  

“Why wouldn’t I? There’s this party my friend is having and I thought seeing as you basically missed the last party you went to you might want to join me.”  It was a sweet thought and he did seem sincere

“Okay but why me? You hit it off with Mika very well didn’t you? Why not ask her?” He laughed

“A little jealous Aura? I just wanted to hang out with you really... You’re a good friend and you don’t throw yourself at me which is a nice change.” I smiled
“Well I’ll have to check that Phoenix doesn’t mind but sure why not?” I wasn’t sure how Phoenix would react but I was almost certain he would be fine with it

“Of course. Like I said we wouldn’t want to upset the little guy.” I glared at him
“Don’t be mean. I’m going home now. Get my number off Phoenix and text me the details later.” He nodded

“Sure no problem, see you Saturday.” He smiled and heading off to find Phoenix I presumed while I hopped onto my bike and heading straight home to get something to eat.

Is Phoenix going to be okay with her going to the party? What do you think? Will Mika finally settle down? and will it be with Ethan? xxxxx Votes are appreciated greatly FYI :P xxxxxx

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