Chapter 16

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Lol I stupidly posted this as a seperated chapter :P my bad but here it goes again :P

HELLO! See are am capable of being a decent human being!! I was in the mood for writing today so I wrote the next chappie and decided to post it early for you lovely people who have put up with enough shit from me!!
I Love you guys!!!!!! Comments extremely welcome!!

After a slightly tense but ultimately entertaining breakfast with Blaze and Ash we decided to see who else was still here so we went off in separate directions to search the rooms. Surprisingly the house wasn’t in as bad a shape as I thought it would be but I guess I had left fairly early so didn’t really see if it got crazy. I went into the living room and found Mika asleep on the couch with her head hanging off the edge and her hair thrown messily across her face. She was snoring and before waking her up I took a quick picture to annoy her with later
“Mika? Babe? Come on its time to wake up Love.” I whispered in her ear and she swatted me away

“Mmm go away. What’s on my head?” She croaked out making me laugh
“Nothings on you head, I think that probably has something to do with the amount of alcohol you consumed last night.” She groaned again and shifted slowly so that she was sitting up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned
“What time is it?” She asked
“12ish I think. Did you have a good night?” I hadn’t seen her since I had taken off to get a drink

“I think so. I can’t really remember. I remember you going to get a drink and not coming back so I went to find you and then I couldn’t find you so I assumed you were somewhere with Phoenix and then there was this guy, this gorgeous guy and we danced and then Ethan was there... Oh shit I remember! Crap Ethan saw me dancing slightly R rated with the guy and he looked so hurt. And then he left and I felt like shit so I started on the vodka and well I guess that’s how I ended up here.” A pained expression crossed my face when I heard about the whole Ethan thing but lucky by the looks of it she hadn’t slept with anyone, which for Mika is a really good and surprising thing
“So where did you go?” She finally got around to the awkward question
“umm it’s a long story and one for a time when you aren’t hungover. So you didn’t see Phoenix after I left?” She shook her head

“Nope, he went after you and never came back, that’s why I assumed you were together. Wait you weren’t together?” shock was clear on her face
“Not exactly, or at all. I was with Blaze. But it wasn’t like that! He came to look for me and we just started talking and stuff.” She raised her eyebrows
“I’m sorry if I find it hard to believe that a guy and girl can be together at a party and not be up to something. Hold on whose Blaze?” I completely forgot that she hadn’t really met the guys properly except for Phoenix
“He’s Phoenix’s older brother, well oldest brother, the middle one is Ash.” Her eyes widened
“Wait, you were with Phoenix’s brother? That’s a bit odd don’t you think?” I rolled my eyes

“I said already it wasn’t like that! Anyway I better find the others and find out where Phoenix is, I have a lot of explaining to do.” She nodded and climbed up
“You sure do. Anyways I’m gonna go use your shower and wardrobe if you don’t mind, I have a feeling I’m not so attractive at the moment.” A smile tugged at my lips as I took in the blonde birds nest on the top of her head and the way her dress was hanging of her shoulder and hitched up at bottom

“You do that honey, I’ll catch up with you later.” She nodded once more and staggered towards the stairs. I sighed and stretched thinking about my Phoenix problem. I would have to talk to him soon, I just didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. Besides it was so early in our relationship and I didn’t quite know where we were and how serious things were between us. I liked him, quite a bit but every time we were together I couldn’t help but think of him as a really good friend. When we kissed it was nice and sweet but there weren’t any fireworks or passion, I could be completely overreacting though...

“What you thinking about so hard?” Blaze asked from behind me making me jump
“Oh, nothing just Phoenix and what I’m going to say to him. I did kind of just take off on him last night. He’s probably really worried.” He smiled sadly
“Don’t worry I’m sure he’ll understand. Phoenix is good with things like this, he’s a sensitive kid.” I nodded and smiled thankfully

“So have you found anyone else?” I needed to know so I knew who to kick out
“Umm I met a girl called Mika on my way down here; she says she’s your soul sister?” I rolled my eyes “She seemed very interested in me when I told her who I was. Apart from her Flint’s in his room with some girl I think.” Wow. I still wasn’t used to the idea of Flint and Roxy having some sort of thing

 “Well I’m gonna go grab my phone and give phoenix a call.” And with that I left rubbing my head to try and sooth the headache that was coming on.
When I turned on my phone I had 12 unread messages mostly from Phoenix and Mika and a couple from Ethan, I also had a few missed calls from the same. I texted Phoenix quickly
Hi I’m really sorry about last night.
Something came up and I just went to bed
Forgive me? Xoxoxo

It was a pretty pathetic apology but hopefully it would do the trick. He answered back within a minute

Don’t worry about it
R U Ok? Do u wanna talk?
We could meet up somewhere?

I smiled sadly. Blaze was right. He really was amazingly understanding, any other guy would probably go mental but he was so chilled. Something inside me kind of wanted him to freak out though, surely that would mean he would care more?

I’m not really feeling up
to leaving the house... Sorry
I’ll c u tomoz? Xoxoxo

I just couldn’t take having to get up and make myself pretty just to go somewhere to talk about what happened. I just wanted to curl up in bed with chocolate and watch bad movies.

Ok Angel, feel better


I turned my phone back off and flopped down on the bed waiting from Mika to come out of the shower so we could plan our big day in.

Thank Ya'll for reading :P Votes and comments are little pieces of heaven that light up my day like chocolate so please make me feel awesome and drop some :D xxxxxx

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