Chapter 22

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Hello :) Here is the next chapter! Hope you enjoy!!

“I can’t fucking believe that Bitch!” Flint shouted pacing the living room floor as I watched him from the sofa

“I know, there’s nothing we can do, we’re gonna have to find an apartment or something...” I wasn’t even sure if Flint would want to stay together I mean he was getting older and I’m sure he had better places to go and stuff

“Yeah, shit. I’m gonna have to get a proper job aren’t I?” I grimaced, I couldn’t imagine him working somewhere respectable... He was born to do what he does now, laze around and play music when he felt like it

“I’ll get one too, we’re gonna get through this together.” He now looked over at me with a small smile

“Yeah course we are! You are my little sister after all!” It was weird hearing him say it even if it was true
“I sure am! So less negativity okay? At least we’ll be getting away from those bastards!” I wouldn’t have to depend on them for anything

“True. Like you said we’ll be fine... I just need to find some work...” His thoughts ran off to future employment
“Yeah and we need to find somewhere to live!” He laughed at that

“What you wouldn’t be comfortable on the streets?” He asked sarcastically
“No I wouldn’t mind, it’s you I worry about luxury boy!” I laughed
“So what happened after she left? Did Blaze just take off?” He seemed a little irritated
“No of course not! He stayed with me while I paced around much like you are now but then he had to go back to work.” Flint nodded

“Oh okay then... I thought the bastard had just left you...” I frowned
“Blaze isn’t like that. He wouldn’t do something like that.” Flint raised his eyebrows
“really? Because you know him so well right?” I glared at him

“Shut it Mister. I don’t want to hear it. Besides it’s not like we’re dating or anything.” Which reminded me that this whole predicament is something I should probably mention to my boyfriend

“Yeah that right.. You’re going out with that Phoenix guy right?” I rolled my eyes
“Stop acting like you don’t know! You spent the whole day with him yesterday!” Flint chuckled

“Yeah yeah I know! I just like annoying you.”
“Jeez thanks bro...”
“You know you love me really” He said with a big cheesy grin on his face
“Hmm not too sure about that sometimes...” A mock hurt expression appeared on his face

“HEY! That’s not very nice!!” He exclaimed
“Yeah and neither are you!” I pointed out
“I so am!”

“Are not!”
“Roxy defiantly seems to think I am” He winked and my face screwed up
“Eww I don’t want to know about your relationship with my best friend...” He laughed

“Well I can’t help it if I find her very attractive, plus she’s great in bed...” I clamped my hands over my ears
“EWWWW Please spare me the details!” I ran out of the room leaving the sound of his laughter fading into the distance.

“Are you okay?! I was so worried about you! Blaze told me what happened with your mum! Why didn’t you call me?” I held the phone a little bit away from my ear because of how loud he was

“I’m sorry; I didn’t really get a chance... Flint got home and I had to explain everything to him... I’m fine we’ll sort this out, we’re staying together so I’m sure we’ll be able to afford something once we both get work.” I had a bit of a headache after all of the day’s emotion and I didn’t really want to sit there and talk to him for hours

“Work? You shouldn’t be working! You should be in school getting an education!” I rolled my eyes
“And how exactly are Flint and I meant to afford a place on one pay check?” I heard him sigh

“I’m sure you can! People do it all the time!” This was part of the problem of having a rich boyfriend, they had no grip on reality sometimes...
“No Phoenix they don’t. Especially not in the area we live... I’m tired okay? I’m gonna head to bed and I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” I rubbed my head feeling the headache get stronger

“Okay Goodnight Angel, I’ll see you tomorrow, Sweet dreams.” I winced at the word Angel
“Yeah you too, bye.” I hung up and flopped down onto my bed.

When had life gotten so complicated? Why couldn’t I be completely head over heels for Phoenix? He was a sweet guy! The sweetest in fact! And he was gorgeous! Not as much as Blaze... The sneaky voice in my head muttered.  I sighed and turned off the light next to my bed curling into bed and resting my head on the pillow in an attempt to clear my head and sleep.

So there it is :) Please comment and vote... Why do you think she's so confused? Who's team are you at the moment? What do you make of Flint? Like him? What do you think their going to do?? I want you opinions!! :) xxxxxx

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