Chapter 8

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Hello :) How is everybody :P Hope you like the Chapter and I'm sorry this one is so short but I promised I will upload a really long one on the weekend! I've been crazy busy since I got back :) Love you all! PLEASE comment and Vote it means the world to me and I do hate to ask but really it can sometimes make the difference between a crap day and a good day! WOW that makes me sound sad :P xxxxxxxxx


He stood there with his hands buried in his pockets and a shy grin on his face looking at the floor. I had never seen him look so young but also so attractive! He looked at me and I crossed over to him quickly pulling him into a hug
“Thanks, this is exactly what I needed after the day I’ve had.” He didn’t pull away but I felt him stiffen at the sudden closeness
“Um that’s okay... You might want to let go of me though. I’m pretty sure Phoenix has claimed you.” I looked up at him startled. Phoenix liked me as well? I pulled away from Ash a little awkwardly
“Sorry about. A moment of weakness.” I smiled uneasily at him unsure how I should continue
“So do you come here often?” I asked him
“Yeah I haven’t really slept since everything happened with my parents.” He looked at the ground again and I was overcome with a profound sense to comfort him but I quickly squashed it an opted for a understanding look
“I’m so sorry about what happened to them. It must be really hard for you.” His eyes bore into mine
“Yeah it is. I’m sorry for your parents, do you know who your birth ones are?” He asked
“Yeah, it turns out I’m actually my Uncle and Aunts kid... And my cousin Flint knew all about it which surprisingly hurts the most.” I felt my eyes prickle slightly with tears
“That really sucks but I’m sure he was just trying to protect you from feeling like this Aura.” A confused expression crossed my face
“Why are you standing up for him? You don’t even know him!” I felt a little angry
“I’m not all I mean is you are obviously close to him and do you really want to lose him?” I shook my head slightly. He was right, I couldn’t lose Flint because of this, he had been there for me right from the start and it wouldn’t be right to abandon him. I knew what I had to do, tomorrow I would call him and we could meet up to talk about what you happen next. I knew one thing for sure though, no way in hell were my parents getting away with this. They had lied to me and left me all these years and I couldn’t forgive them for that
“Come on it’s getting colder we should get back inside.” He held out his hand for mine and lead me back through the forest to the house
“You know I might be a player but if you ever need to talk, you can talk to me. Or if you just want to forget about life for a bit then I’m your guy.” He said smiling into my eyes, I went on my tip toes and gave him a quick peck on the cheek
“Thank you.” With that I swiftly turned on my heel and walked into the house and up to my room. Once I had changed back into my Pyjamas I thought about what had happened that day and surprised myself when a warm feeling took over my body at the thought of Phoenix, I was even more shocked at the light in my heart at the reminder Ash’s kind words earlier. What was going on? Why was I feeling things towards two very different guys?

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