Chapter 15

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Can I just start by saying I am sooooooooooo Sorry!!! seriously this last month ahs been crazy!! I have loads of exams coming up and life is just too stressful and then I was away and when I got back I was really ill and ahhh im so sorry. The worst part is this chapter is rubbish anyway and so short and im sorry again but I SWEAR and PROMISE I will upload a proper full length chapter this weekend and I will love you guys forever and be WAYYYYYY more motivated to write if you guys leave comments! seriously every comment I read edges me closer and closer to writing!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

I woke up the next morning with crick in my neck; I opened my eyes and looked around confused as to why I was sitting on the floor leaning against the door. Then I realised that there was someone underneath my head. I lifted my head off the persons shoulder and looked at them. It was Blaze and then I remembered everything that had happened the night before. Flint and Roxy kissing, my aunt calling, crying in my room and Blaze comforting me. I must have fallen asleep next to him; I eased myself up slowly leaving him still sound asleep. Once I was up I silently walked into the bathroom and flicked the light switch. When I Looked in the mirror the face that stared back at me was disgusting, tired and old. I turned on the hot water and climbed into the shower.

Blaze was gone when I got back and although I felt relief that I wouldn’t have to talk to him about yesterday there was a VERY small part of me that was disappointed. Yeah small part... my conscious mocked me. I threw some clothes on and dried my hair finishing off my lazy look by throwing my hair up into a bun and slapping on some make-up to make myself sort of presentable in case there were still some people in the house from last night.

Downstairs I could hear rustling around and walked into the kitchen to find Blaze at the cooker with a frying pan and a pack of eggs
“Oh Hey, how do you take your eggs?” He asked when he noticed I was standing behind him

“Umm sunny side up. Why you making breakfast? You don’t have to seriously.” I felt kind of awkward but it was nice to have breakfast made for me for once
“Don’t worry about it, it’s the most important meal of the day after all and besides you look like you need it.” He smiled sweetly at me and I felt my heart jump a little in my chest

“Morning losers.” Ash strolled into the kitchen in a pair of tracksuit bottoms topless and I felt my eyes pop out of their sockets as they scanned over his toned abs

“Like what you see Aura?” Heat rose to my cheeks as my eyes met his that were shining with mischief
“No. Are you incapable of finding a shirt? What are you doing here anyway?” I questioned him

“Yes I am, why would I want to defy the world of this?” He pointed to himself “And to answer your question I couldn’t be arsed to get a lift home last night seeing as mine disappeared.” He pointed with his head towards Blaze
“Yeah sorry Man I had to take care or something” Blaze answered and I looked at the ground embarrassed

“WAIT! You two didn’t? NO! Seriously?” He gestured between us and we looked at him shocked
“NO!” We said in unison

“She was upset! I talked to her for a bit and then we fell asleep! Not even on a bed or anywhere near a bed!” Blaze looked extremely flustered and I couldn’t help wonder if he really found me that gross that even the idea of sleeping with me disgusted him. Ash started laughing

“Aha you should have seen your faces! Seriously! So funny!” He gasped in between laughter. I slapped him on the back of his head. It was strange and I had only known these boys for a short while but already they felt like family. Extremely attractive, flirty, perverted family.

again soooooo sorry but please comment and vote :( it makes me happy! :P xxxxxx

Story under serious reconstruction. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें