Chapter 26

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WOHHOOOOO! ANOTHER CHAPTER!! That's what I'd like to imagine you are thinking right now :P

The next day I woke up and avoided the mirror. I could feel the bruise across my cheek and I really didn’t want to see it as well, I knew it would be ugly. I could hear Flint downstairs in the kitchen so I got up and headed down to face the music. He wouldn’t be happy, but there was nothing I could do. It’s not like I could tell him the truth

“Morning Bro, put the kettle on would ya?” I slumped down in the chair and tried to slyly cover my bruise with my hand

“Morning to you too, how was last night? Have fun?” He still hadn’t turned to face me

“Yeah it was good, we didn’t stay at the party long really it was kinda crowded... so we went to McDonalds in the end and just hung out.” I wasn’t going to just come out and tell him I got hit in the face, was I?

“Hmm cool, sounds good.” He wasn’t really listening but then he turned to give me my coffee and saw my face. The mug dropped out of his hands and crashed to the floor


“No Ash didn’t do it. His reaction was similar to your actually, I got hit in the face by some drunk guy at the party, nothing to worry about.” I hadn’t seen Flint this angry about anything in a long time

“Seriously? Who was he? Do you know him?” I got the dustpan and brush and began to clean up the mess

“No he was just some guy; I’d never seen him before.” Flint nodded
“Okay well if you see him again let me know. That prick, who the fuck does he think he is?” I rolled my eyes

“Just drop it Flint, there’s nothing you can do now, is there? Now go make me another coffee.” I pushed him back towards the kettle and he turned it on, muttering to himself angrily.

At school I got looks from everyone and a couple of people whispered and pointed. They were what you would suspect, abusive parents, abusive boyfriend ect. I pretty much just ignored them and walked to my locker.  Phoenix was waiting there, he didn’t look happy and I assumed Ash told him about what happened
“Jesus are you okay? Ash told me, why didn’t you call me?” I frowned

“And if I had called you? What would you have done? Nothing. There wasn’t anything you could do.” I know I sounded a bit bitchy and that he only wanted to help, but I was so sick of people acting like they could help me. No one could help me. I got myself into this mess and I was the only person who could get me out. Not ash, not Blaze, Not Phoenix and not Flint. I was on my own on this one

“I’m sorry, I was worried, I should never of let you go to that party with Ash.” I raised my eyebrows

“Let me go? I wasn’t aware you owned me...” Panic flashed across his face
“NO! That’s not what I meant! Sorry, that sounded bad... You know what I mean!”
“Hmm, I’m going to class. See you at lunch.” I turned and wondered down the hall glaring at the gossiping girls as I went by.

As soon as I sat down in my seat I slammed my head onto the table and closed my eyes. I hated rumours and gossip especially when they were about me

“What happened now? You’re looking more than a little depressed.” Roxy asked from the seat next to mine

“Don’t wanna talk about it. I just want to sleep.” She snorted
“Hmm well that’s not gonna happen, Mika’s on her way over and she looks pissed.” I groaned and leaned back in my chair mentally preparing myself for the onslaught that I was about to get

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! I HAVE TO HEAR FROM YOUR BOYFRIEND THAT YOU GOT HURT!” She marched over to my seat, luckily the teacher hadn’t arrived yet or else she would be in major trouble

“Sorry, I just didn’t feel like talking about it...” I knew there was no way I was gonna get out of this one easily

“Hmm well as your best friend you don’t get to decide that. I have to tell me when shit like this happens!” I laughed; she was always so dramatic

“Okay okay, next time I get hit in the face at a party you’ll be the first to know.” Roxy smirked when I met her eye, she knew I was just trying to get her to stop going on about it

“Good.” She then preceded to slump into her seat on the other side of me
“Good morning, today we will be looking at the influence Immigration has had on the U.S since 1920...” I put my head back on the desk and dozed off.

Lunch rolled around soon enough and I really didn’t feel like talking to everyone and being social so I headed to the cafe across the street to grab a sandwich. I don’t know what I would do if we had to stay on campus for lunch, probably go insane. I got my ham salad baguette and sat down on one of the crummy plastic chairs. It felt good to just get some alone time, I had been way to social lately, I needed some time to think

“You like this place to huh?” I looked up mid bite to see Blaze standing above me holding a sandwich and coke

“Yeah, the ham salad is really good.” He smiled
“Mind if I sit with you?” I shook my head and he sat down in the chair opposite
“So how you been? Ash told me what happened last night.” I rolled my eyes

“Look no offense or anything but I really don’t want to talk about it.” Blaze nodded
“Yeah sorry, so how come you’re not eating with everyone else?” He started to tuck into his sandwich

“it’s nothing, just they all keep asking questions and going on about it. I really just wanted so time alone.” He looked up

“Oh sorry, I can leave if you want?” He grinned cheekily
“Aha no don’t worry, I don’t mine you being here.” I smiled up at him
“Good. We can just eat in silence if you’d like?” I nodded

“Yeah that be nice actually.” I took a nice big bite of my baguette and he chuckled doing the same. While he was daydreaming and eating I took the chance to check him out a little. He had the softest silkiest black hair and piercing blue eyes, I just wanted to stare into them for hours.

I really had to decide what I was going to do about Phoenix. It shouldn’t be like this, I shouldn’t be checking out other guys, especially his brother when we were in a relationship. But did Blaze even like me back? Wow. I basically just admitted to liking blaze! Crap. I was in serious trouble. I sighed silently and went back to eating, I only had 20 minutes left of lunch and I wanted to enjoy them peacefully.  

Well there you go another chappie out the way :P Please let me know your thoughts on Aurora's problems?? Also another Poll... Team Ash, Team Blaze, Team Phoenix... Or maybe Team Niall :P ?? Thanks for reading :) xxx

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