Chapter 20

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Hello again :) I'm being so good with my uploads arent I? :P I was in the mood for writing so I wrote this and decided that i should upload it as an apology for my poor updates over the last couple of weeks :) I went with Blaze's POV so I hope you like it ;) Leave your thoughts xx

 I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. It hadn’t been easy getting to sleep last night but I was so tired that once I did I was out like a light. I had a quick shower and turned on my radio. Dirty little secret by The All American rejects came on and I danced around my room picking out the perfect outfit to meet the evil Ex for coffee. I knew he would be looking as hot as ever and I needed to prove to him that him being here didn’t affect me. Hopefully Megan wouldn’t be there. I couldn’t handle them both at once, I never could. It’s strange to think we were all so close once.  Megs, Angel and Niall. The terrible three. People always used to wonder how it worked and how Megan never felt like a third wheel seeing as Niall and I were a couple but it turns out I was the 3rd wheel.

I picked out a pair of dark skinny jeans, a cute American eagle top and a pair of cork wedges. I applied soft make-up but added a bit more eyeliner than normal so I looked dark and mysterious; my brown hair was brushed out and fell in soft waves at my side. I looked good. Smiling I picked up my bag and threw in all of the essentials for the day like money, keys and phone and headed downstairs grabbing my leather jacket on the way out.
Outside I had the difficult decision of what to drive. In the end I went along with the tough girl image and got on my Bike. Placing a pair of dark shades over my eyes and a dazzling smile on my face I was off.
When I pulled up outside Starbucks a wave of nerves rushed over me. I suddenly wasn’t so sure I could face him again after all this time and what if Megan was there? No. I told myself, I had to be strong, and I couldn’t show them a weak front. It had to seem as though there appearance made no difference to me. The sooner I proved this to them the quicker they would leave. I spotted Niall immediately when I entered the cafe. His blonde hair was swept across his face perfectly as always and his crystal eyes shone across the room
“Hello Angel, you look a lot better since the last time I saw you.” He smirked as I strut towards the table he was sat at
“Yeah well you look exactly the same Niall.” I said airily. I was so proud of myself that my voice came out strong and indifferent instead of the weak squeak I was expecting. Even Niall seemed momentarily surprised by my confidence
“I had no reason to change, did I?” That bastard. That stupid, ignorant, pathetic, manipulative bastard
“That’s debatable Niall. So what do you want? I haven’t got all day.” I wanted to go by the mechanics later and see if Blaze could fix up the old Impala I had lying around in the garage. It would be a nice present for Flint’s birthday next month
“I want a lot of things Angel. But mostly I want you back, in Ireland doing what you do best.” His annoying smirk grew
“I don’t do that anymore Niall. I can you stop calling me Angel. You don’t get to call me that anymore; I’m not that girl now.”  I had lost Angel when I had left Ireland
“Sure you are. People don’t change that much Love. You’ll always be my Angel” Those words would be so sweet coming from any other mouth
“And I need my Angel back, Megs and I miss you.” I scoffed at that. That heartless bitch couldn’t miss someone if her life depended on it
“I said no Niall. Now I suggest you leave. You’re wasting your time on me. I have changed and I never going back again.” I stood up to leave but he held on to my arm to stop me from moving
“Now Now Angel. Who said we were done here? I thought we could do this nicely but it seems you want things to be difficult. How about this? You come back to Ireland on your own terms and things will be fine, no one will get hurt. Or you could be difficult and I’ll make so that your only option is to go back. I will take everything you have built for yourself here, all the people you love, and crush it. You got that love?” My breath caught. I forgot how powerful and cruel Niall could be when he didn’t get what he wanted
“Go screw yourself you prick.” I yanked my arm out of his grasp and ran out of there as fast as could.

Blaze POV
“Oi, Blaze go get this young ladies car from the garage.” Paul shouted to me chucking a set of keys in my direction. I grabbed them in one hand and nodded heading out to the garage. When I got there and pressed on the button the headlights of a Mercedes SLK shone. Defiantly a chick’s car but still a nice one, this girl obviously had taste. It was a nice change from the many Miata’s that seemed to be brought in every week. I hopped in and slotted the key into the ignition pulling out of the garage slowly. These people freak if you scratch their cars, not that I could blame them for it. If anyone ever dreamt of touchy my Impala I’d hunt them done and torture them for hours before putting an end to their pathetic life.
When I stopped by the entrance a girl in a tight black skirt and blazer was leaning against a lamppost. She was tapping away on her IPhone but glanced up when she heard the car
“Oh thanks, that was quick.” She smiled
“No problem, nice car by the way.” She was insanely hot
“Thanks what do you drive?” She asked and I was impressed. Not many girls would willingly start a conversation about cars
“A 1967 Chevy Impala, it’s my baby.” She smirked and was about to answer but her phone buzzed
“Sorry, one second I gotta take this.” She picked up and I hung around thinking that maybe I could get her number
“Hey Babe, yeah I’m just picking it up. Don’t forget to pick up your shirt from the dry cleaners, the party starts at 8 so try to be home for 7 ok? Love you too, bye” she hung up. There goes that thought. Only then did I notice the shiny ring on her finger. Not only was she in a relationship but she was engaged. Why did it seem all the good ones were taken? Aurora isn’t engaged. The little voice at the back of my head taunted
“Sorry I gotta go, nice talking to you though. I’m Jess.” She held out her hand
“Blaze. And yeah you to, hope she runs fine from now on.” With that I wondered back into the shop. It was true, Aurora wasn’t engaged but she was my brothers girlfriend and not only that she was only 17 which isn’t that bad but still she should be with someone her own age, like Phoenix. God she was so hot though! And she didn’t even seem to really realise it. Just then the bell rang signalling a customer had come in, Paul had gone out for lunch so I walked round the front to serve them
“Hey, what can I do for you?” I asked without really looking up, I was too busy trying to grease a part
“You can pay a bit of attention to what I’m about to say.” My head shot up. I front of me a completely different Aurora was standing in front of me. The one I was used to was cute and sort of innocent looking but this girl was fiery and smoking hot
“umm sorry. Sure what’s up?” I grubbed the back of my neck not realising my hands were covered in grease. Smooth Blaze, real smooth, The voice mocked me
“How much would you charge to fix up an old Impala?” She questioned her eyes narrowing
“Uh well it depends on how beat up it is...” I was dazed by her
“Ok well have you got a lunch break soon? I could show you?”Her left eyebrow quirked
“Yeah that be fine, um I can go now if that cool with you?” Get your act together man!  
“Sure come on then. I’ve got my bike so you’re gonna have to ride pillion.” She began to walk out the door
“Uhuh, no way. We can take my bike. I’m not riding pillion to a chick.” That was where I put my foot down finally getting my voice back
“Really? Are you that protective of your masculinity?” She rolled her eyes
“Yes. Come on its out back.” She followed as I lead her out to the employee car park. My beautiful Harley cruiser was gleaming in the sunlight. I pulled up the back and got out my helmet she had hers tucked under her arms
“Come on then, get on.” I motioned for her to hop behind me
“Fine.” She climbed on the back and wrapped her slim arms around my waist. Tiny electric shivers ran through my body but I ignored them and turned on the ignition before speeding away. I hope she liked going fast.

What did you think? Leave a comment and vote please if you want :) I'll upload again soon
Love to everyone who has been supporting this story thank you all so much! BTW did you see that I updated the cast? I now have characters for Niall, Flint and Megs aswell xx

Story under serious reconstruction. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora