Chapter 3

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Hey :) I'm in an Uber good mood today :P Me and my friends had an Anti-Valentines sleepover last night and it was sooooo fun! Anyways thank you for the lovely comments from the last chapter. It was funny reading your thoughts on the boys :P So I'll will now let you get on with reading! Comment and vote PLEASE XXX Oh and the dedication is to Mdhyver for being the first one to fan me after posting this new book :) THANK YOU!

When Monday rolled around I was a little nervous but I put on a braze face and had a quick shower washing and straightening my long dark hair. I pulled on a denim skirt and black tank top paired with my DM’s and I was ready to go. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab some breakfast and found my cousin sitting on a stool in the island
“Morning Cuz. Haven’t really seen you around the house lately where you been?” Flint was 22 and a really cool guy. He wore those funky musician hats, skinny jeans and shirts with waistcoats. On anyone else it would look strange but on him it worked. He had the attitude to carry it off. He also had a strong Irish accent that made all of my female friends swoon
“Just been around, you know hanging out with friends and stuff.” There was no way I was mentioning the whole Phoenix thing to him, he would never let it go and I would never get to school on time
“Huh okay. Well I’m thinking of cooking dinner tonight and we can hang out a bit and catch up, that cool?” I would never pass up time with Flint, he might be over protective and annoying at times but I loved him
“Yup I’m up for that, I gotta go, see you later” he tapped the side of his cheek grinning
“What about my goodbye?” I laughed and walked around and gave him a kiss on the cheek
“Goodbye dear cousin. Can I go now? I’m gonna be late.” He nodded and waved his hand at me dismissively
“Yes now get your but to school. I have work to do” That made me laugh, Flint was unemployed and basically just did whatever he wanted. My parents paid him to ‘look after’ me and he stayed at our house eating our food most of the time so his life was pretty easy.

I pulled up outside the cafe at 7:34 and saw Phoenix sitting inside with a mug of what I presumed was coffee and a muffin. I strolled in trying to keep my heart from beating too loudly
“Morning. It’s good to see you up and around.” I said. He looked up from his phone and smiled widely at me
“Hi. Sorry I went ahead and got something, I was kind of looking forward to a proper hot chocolate after eating all that hospital food.” So he drank hot chocolate instead of coffee? Somehow that made him even sweeter and adorable than anything
“That’s okay I’ll just grabbed an Americano and we can be off. You’ll want to pick up your schedule pretty early before everything gets busy.” The school was quite big and tended to get really packed of people in the morning
“Okie Dokie.” I grinned at him and went to get my coffee. When we went outside I pointed to the school parking lot
“I’m just going park up my bike in there okay? If you have a car you might want to do the same thing”
“Oh Blaze gave me a ride on his way to work so I’m good but I’ll meet you there” He smiled and started towards the gates. I hoped on my bike and pulled into my usual spot. When I got off I saw Phoenix walking towards me
“I really like your bike. It’s very shiny. Sorry I don’t really know what your supposed to say” He laughed and laughed along with him. He was so easy to get along with him. Just then I heard someone shout behind me
“Auri! Where you have been hiding all weekend?” I spun around on my heel to find one of my friends Ethan grinning widely at me. His smile reminded me of the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland, it was a bit scary but then again so was he. He was a really nice guy and all but so strange.
“I was busy, did you miss me?” He pulled me into a hug which I returned
“Of course I did, who’s this?” He pointed with his head towards Phoenix
“This is Phoenix, the guy I told you about at the party? The one who was stabbed? He’s starting here today.” As if it was possible Ethan’s grin got even wider
“Oh your Phoenix? Hi mate I’m Ethan, one of Auri’s rare friends” I hit him in the stomach lightly, I wasn’t that much of a loner. I just chose my friends carefully
“Hi, nice to meet you” Phoenix shook Ethan’s hand and smiled over at me
“So I better go get my schedule, do you mind showing me the way to the office?”
“Not at all, come on this way. Ethan you coming with?” I asked him
“Sure why not, but keep an eye out for Roxy and Mika they had something they wanted to ask you” That sounded vaguely intriguing but it was probably just them wanting to know when Flint’s next gig was so they could go ogle at him unashamedly
“Okay” We got to the office eventually but not before being stopped by thousands of girls wanting to introduce themselves to the hot new guy. Maybe I was overacting slightly but it was ridiculous he had barely been there 5 minutes! It was funny though seeing how unaware he was of it all. I secretly wondered how this innocent guy survived years in the system. I mean wasn’t that supposed to make you all untrusting and cynical? Okay so that was a massive stereotype but still! He was like a little puppy so full of love for everyone! He shook hands with people and introduced himself and listened to their little ramblings about how he was welcome to sit with them at lunch. He was so nice to everybody. We were like ying and yang, I preferred a cool hard stare to ward off any unwanted company and was quick to point out flaws in those I despised. One of which was walking towards us now. Elena Maxine. She was beautiful but deadly, a complete and utter bitch to those who did not worship at her feet. Me being one of them.
“Hello my name is Elena. I’m head of the school’s welcoming committee, I just want to say welcome to our school and I hope you like it here and make lots new friends, with the right people.” I knew what she meant by the right people and the sickingly sweet smile she was giving him was making me want to puke. I jumped in because I could not take seeing him be nice to him
“Good morning Elena. I can assure you he already has made excellent friends.”I gave her a cheesy grin of my own and pulled Phoenix away to explain that he needs to stay away from her but Ethan beat me to it
“What a bitch. This school doesn’t even have a welcoming committee! Phoenix I like you and that’s why I’m telling you this, stay away from her. People might say I’m crazy but at least I’m not psychotic!” That was true Ethan might be strange but he wouldn’t even hurt a fly. Literally, I’ve been him put up with a fly buzzing in his face for half an hour because he didn’t want to upset it. On the other and Elena probably would have had swatter out in a second flat.
“Aha okay. Thanks mate.” Phoenix laughed easily
“Oh bitch! Where the hell have you been? We got news for ya!” Roxy’s shout reached me all the way down the other end of the hall. If I had to describe my beautiful friend Roxanne in one word it would be tough. She was the real deal I liked to think, been through more in her 17 years than most people in their lifetime. She gorgeous long black hair, piercing black eyes and a smooth caramel tan to her skin. But she was dangerous at least to those who weren’t her friends and to those who were she was one of the best friends you could ever have.
“Sorry, I was a bit caught up. This is Phoenix, the new kid. Phoenix this is Roxy.” She gave him a curt nod before dragging me aside
“So that’s the guy? Well he looks nice. A bit too nice if you ask me but hey if that’s what your into” I smiled slyly. She did have point, usually I went for complete douche bags. But Phoenix was different
“Yeah I know but he’s pretty cool actually, so what was it you wanted to tell me?” I was curious
“Basically we want to throw a massive party at yours at the weekend an anti-valentines party and we wanted to ask you before we went ahead and did it anyway.” Her and Mika were always trying to get me to have parties because my parents we’re never home
“Sure why not. What do you mean by anti-valentines?” Not that I was particularly romantic or anything but those two could get carried away
“You know just a big house party really but kind of dark, like nothing remotely romantic at all. We’ll plan everything all you have to do is show up and convince that fine cousin of yours to do the same” What did I say earlier? Flint was always involved somehow.

So I have a funny feeling some peopls affections are going to turn to a certain irish lass named Flint :P Let me know if I'm right! xx

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