Chapter 11

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Yay! I managed to update quickly!! I know it's still quite short but I like doing short chapters because I think it adds to the drama :P I promise the party one will be long! Love you xx

“We need food, drink, music, decorations, lights and outfits.” Mika said while pacing my room. It was after school and me, Mika and Roxy had got together to organize the party. I had sort of explained to them what had happened but they knew I didn’t like to talk about family stuff so they didn’t push it
“Well Flint agreed to do a couple of songs and stuff but he wants to enjoy himself too so we should get a playlist set up and grab some big speakers. Ethan said he’ll take care of drink and Roxy your doing food. So we just need to go shopping for decorations and outfits.” I read off the list in front of me sitting cross legged on my bed
“I’m thinking loads of crisps and dips, chocolate fountain, and some shitty party food.” Roxy yawned lying across the bottom of my bed with her head hanging off the edge
“Roxy! Stop yawning! We have barely anytime to get this ready!” Mika always got freaked out by planning, she loved to be organized but didn’t like it when me and Roxy were being lazy
“Chill Mika, it’ll be fine. You wanna go shopping after school tomorrow? Topshop had some nice stuff in so maybe we could go there?” I mentioned, I had seen a really cute red velvet dress in the window the other day that would go really nice with my black heels
“yeah that sounds good, okay I think we should call it a night before I fall asleep.” Roxy murmured with her eyes closed. Mika whacked her on the head and began to pick up her stuff
“Alright darlin’ we’ll see you tomorrow! Hope you sleep well!” Mika’s energetic bubbliness never fails even after a hard afternoon party planning
“Yeah see you tomorrow love. Roxy get off my bed!” I nudged her with my foot and she went tumbling off the edge
“Wahhh! Ouch that hurt bitch!” She mumbled while rubbing her swore butt and picking up her bag off the floor
“Love you too.” I laughed and she gave me the finger whilst walking out the door. I smiled those two could always cheer me up and keep my mind of things. We were all so different Mika ever bubbly and so pretty and blonde was like the little cheerleader of the group although she knew how to be mean when she wanted to and she was way smarter than any cheerleader I’ve ever met. Then there was Roxy she was as tough as nails but was so laid back and happy normally she was stunningly beautiful and was more the strong and silent type. Ethan was the token guy in our little group we all thought he was gay at first but then it turned out he was just a bit strange. He was the nicest guy I had ever met and was so adorable when he went off on one of is funny thoughts in dreamland. I’m the bitter and cynical one really. The bitch who always has something to say and usually gets a detention for it. We worked well together all balancing each other and keeping each other sane. I pulled myself off my bed and grabbed some PJs heading for the bathroom for a nice hot shower. I could hear Flint playing downstairs and it made me smile. He really was an amazing musician and deserved to get a break but he was so laid back about it all that he probably would never get it on his own.
After having my shower and brushing through my hair I lay back down on my bed and tried to get some sleep. Just as I was drifting off I heard a faint buzzing and leaned over to by bed side table to see my phone flashing
“Hello?” I picked it up without looking at caller ID
“Hello Angel. Long time no speak.” I froze. I didn’t know what I was feeling at that moment. So many memories of laughter, happiness, pain, hurt mixed up together
“Aura aren’t you talking to me?”His questioning tone made everything worse
“Niall why are you calling?” I wanted my voice to come out strong and powerful but instead all it was is a whisper
“Aren’t you happy to hear me? Come on Angel I know you don’t hate me.” But I did. I hated him so much more than I think I had ever hated anyone in my life. Even my parents neglecting and betrayal didn’t hurt as much as he had hurt me
“What do you want Niall?” I pleased to hear my voice was a bit stronger than before
“Well I just thought I’d let you know that I’m here Auri. I’m in California.” I sucked in my breath. He couldn’t be here, how did he even know I was here? I never told him. Did I? I know I told him a lot, more than anyone maybe, I must have told him. Shit, I thought, what’s going to happen now?
“Aww got nothing to say Aurora? That’s got to be a first. Oh and one more thing, Megs is with me.” The two people who had managed to completely wreck everything I had built up in Ireland are here to ruin my life once more. Why was everything happening to me now?
“Niall I swear to god if you come near me I will kill you. A lot has changed since we last saw each other and I’m not as easily manipulated as I was before. If you try and mess with me I will destroy you. You got that?” And with that I hung up the phone. What I had said was true, they were not going to mess with me this time. I had friends now and people that cared about me, no way are things going to play out like that again.

okie dokie... let me know what you think... Who is this mysterious Niall and Megs? What did they do to Aurora? comment and vote merci!!

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