Chapter 27

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I AM SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! Life had been crazy since school finished! I had to go home for a funeral as my little cousin passed away, and then I had a family wedding and loads of catch up reading to do... and work.... I'm so sorry! I promise never to dissapear for that long again!
On the plus side I can't thank you guys enough My boys has reached 6,200 reads!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Anyway enjoy this chapter and I'm interested to hear your thoughts at the end VOMMENT!!!!

After a quiet lunch I waltzed back into school feeling even more unsure of myself. However I did feel like I could face everyone again so I headed into my last period with my head held high and a smile on my face. As I sat down at my desk I felt someone come up behind me and wrap their arms around my waist
“Hello, Where did you disappear off to?” Phoenix’s soft musical voice whispered in my ear
“Oh I just decided that to go to the cafe across the road at last minute, sorry.” I wasn’t sure if I should tell him about Blaze... Would he get the wrong idea? No. I wouldn’t, there wouldn’t be any point to it. It’s not like it meant something, it wasn’t a date or anything. Just a coincidental lunch between friends. Jesus now I’m even ranting in my head
“Ah cool, you should have told me, I would have gone with you.” I sighed as he said that
“No it’s fine. I really just wanted to be by myself to be honest. Everyone’s been staring at me all day so it was good to have some me time.” Phoenix smiled
“Okay Baby, but you know you can talk to me about anything right? I’m your boyfriend. It’s what I’m here for.” I smiled what I hoped was reassuringly
“Of course I know that.” I turned my head and pecked him on the cheek quickly before he went to take his seat as a the teacher came in.

“ahhh, finally!” I flopped down onto the sofa and sprawled out across it with my head in a cushion
“Rough day?” I lifted my head slightly to see Flint standing in front of me with his guitar case slung over is shoulder
“That’s an understatement. You heading out or coming home?” He nodded understandably
“Don’t worry its fade quickly, yeah I’ve got a gig at a local bar tonight. Thought I better get some cash together for the move you know?” I groaned
“Shit. I forgot. Sorry, I better get on with my job search.” I pulled myself up off the sofa and went to grab my laptop
“Okay, I’ve gotta go but I shouldn’t be too late, save me some dinner okay? I think we have the stuff to make tuna pasta. Actually I better go shopping tomorrow...” I smiled
“Okay Mum. Go on your gonna be late and I’ll be fine I always am.” He rolled his eyes but nodded and gave me a quick hug before heading out the door.
It was too early to start on dinner so I went up to my room to get some homework out of the way and spent about an hour trying to understand some physics questions before giving up. Looking at the time I saw that it was coming up to 5 so I might as well start dinner. Half way through the doorbell rang and I ran to the front door thinking about who it might be.
“Hello Angel, told you you’d see me soon.”

(I was soo tempted to stop the chapter here :P)

Niall P.O.V
I saw her contemplate shutting the door in my face and smirked
“What don’t want to invite me in? I’m not a vampire you know.” I momentarily enjoyed the quick flash of panic in her eyes
“You’re not coming in Niall. What do you want?” I have to say I found the new tough cookie act she was playing a real turn on. I mean sure, she was always a bitch to everyone else, but I made her squirm. When we were together there was no denying I was in control
“Nothing much, just thought I’d drop by, maybe have a little dinner?” She scoffed
“Like I said you’re not coming in.” My smile tightened

“Now now. Let’s not be so rude. We wouldn’t want Phoenix finding out about yours and Blaze’s little lunch date today would we?” Her eyes widened
“One, since when do you resort to stalking people? Two, that was not a date. And three you can fuck off.” Those might have been harsh words but I could read the worry on her face like an open book
“What. Do. You. Want?” She spelled out, spiting the words n my face
“You. I want you to come home, where you belong.” Her face was blank
“I don’t belong anywhere.” And with that she slammed the door in my face. Anger coarse through my veins. She should know by now that I am not to be tested. I looked down at the picture of her and that guy Blaze laughing together on my phone and pressed send. She was about to find out just how much I could do to her perfect little life.

So Niall's point of view???? Any thoughts? Who did he send the text to?
Love you ALL!!! ZIggy xxxx

Story under serious reconstruction. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt