Chapter 24

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Hey EXAMS ARE NEARLY OVER!!! GOT ONE MORE ON MONDAY THEN i'M ON HOLIDAY TILL SEPTEMBER!  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm soooooo Happy :P This chapter is a bit more exciting and stuff the party is in the next one that will be up tonight probably :) enjoy my beautiful readers xxxxxxxxxx

Day by day the week passed. Finally it was Friday and I was strangely excited about the party the next day. Phoenix had made me promise that I would be careful and stick with Ash and call him if I needed to, but he had let me go. Something about the fact that he didn’t put up much of a fight about going to a party with a well known player annoyed me.

Fair enough the player was his brother but still. The point was what mattered. The group had decided to hang out in the park by the school for a bit at the end of the day seeing as the weather was good. The sun was shining and Mika, Roxy and I were lying out in the sun while Phoenix and Ethan kicked around a football and Flint sat playing his guitar. I smiled to myself thinking about how perfect the moment was, my  friends were around me, the sun was shining and I was happy

“I’m gonna go get a drink at the cafe, anyone want one?” Mika mumbled a reply that I took as a yes but the others shook their heads. I wondered slowly towards the cafe looking around at the kids playing in the playground
“Well well, you lot better than the last time I saw you. Mind you that’s not very hard.” I whipped around to face the owner of the snide bitchy voice

“Megs.”  I let out a breath and immediately threw down my barriers. No way was I about to let her get to me
“So those you little friends now? You all seem very happy go lucky, your just living the American dream out here aren’t you?” I glared at her
“Don’t even think about going there Megan. Leave my friends out of this.” She laughed

“Wow, protective aren’t we? I was planning on involving your friends however it would be fun to see just how deep the California teenager thing is... Somehow I think it wouldn’t last long.” She looked so out of place in the park, everyone looked so wholesome and she was just there in the middle of it all looking like the piece of trash she was. It hurt to think that I used to dress and act like that too.

She had black netted tights on under a long baggy vest that really wasn’t all that long. Her dark hair was messy but in a styled way and her dark rings of black eyeliner framed her cold eyes perfectly. The cigarette in her hand topped off the whole look to perfection. She looked like a hooker, but still the aggressive and confident attitude that surrounded her meant that she could pull it off

“Just back off Megs. Go home. You have no business being here, I’m not going back and that’s the end of it. You can tell Niall the same.” I turned to walk away from her but she grabbed my wrist yanking me back
“I don’t like people walking away from me Aurora. Remember that. You will be coming back whether you like it or not. You don’t get out that easy” I rolled my eyes

“Fuck off I’m out. There is nothing you can say or do that will make me go back so leave.” I took so much to get that sentence out without breaking down my barriers. I wasn’t that I was scared of her because I definitely wasn’t, Megan was never the scary one in the gang, I was so I knew I could take her but she had the protection of a gang behind her and I didn’t.  So at the end of the day if I did anything to her it would come back to bite me in the arse

“Fine whatever you say for now bitch but just keep an eye out because this isn’t the last time we’ll be talking. You’re coming back even if we have to drag you there but somehow after a few weeks I reckon you’ll be begging us to come home.”  With that she strutted off gathering the attention of the boys playing football in the nearby field that called out to her and whistled. Rolling my eyes once more I get out the deep breath I had sucked in went into the cafe to get the drinks. I knew I had to do something before they got hold of my friends.

They had their ways, I knew that but I couldn’t give in. One thing did strike me though, how the hell did they get here? I mean I told no one where I was going and for fuck sake they lived in Ireland! I was in California! Why was I so important that they followed me here? I had only stayed there for 6 months and had left a year ago so why now? Sighing once more I paid for the drinks and headed back over to my friends
“You took your time, where did you go?” Mika asked me as soon as I got into hearing distance

“Sorry needed the loo.” She nodded and said thanks when I passed over her drink. I settled down to fall asleep in the sun again and tried to clear my head of all the possible scenarios that could occur between me, Niall and Megs over the next couple of weeks.

So you found out some more information about Aurora's past..... what do you think? anyone wanna make a guess about what she was involved in? I'll make a quick point that it's no where near as obvious as it seems! :P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Love you!!!!

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