Chapter 12

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Hello :) So heres the next chapter! I tried really really hard to make it longer!! I hope you guys like it and I really appreciate the comments and votes, it means a lot to me to know people are paying attention to something that I am putting effort into!!

As I hopped off my bike in the school parking lot the next day I had a serious sense of paranoia. I kept looking around me expecting to see Niall or Megs standing at a corner or walking towards me

“Hey Aura.” I jumped and spun around but it was only Ash

“Oh hey, sorry I thought you were someone else.” My face heated up a bit in embarrassment at my little jump

“Aha I didn’t mean to scare you! How did the talk go with your cousin? Everything alright?” He looked down at me smirking

“You didn’t scare me. He’s my brother not my cousin and yeah we’re good now.” This felt a little awkward after Blaze telling me that Ash must really like me
“So got any nice weekend plans?” He asked me but it seemed to be just something to keep the conversation going rather than actual interest
“Yeah I’m having a party at mine. If you around your welcome to come, tell Blaze the same thing. I owe you guys that much.” I looked at the ground
“Yeah that sounds awesome Angel! Is Phoenix going?” My heart sped up when he called me Angel and I was instantly reminded of another gorgeous but deadly boy who likes to call me that
“Yup he is.. I was actually thinking of asking him to go with me..” This was a bit awkward but at least Ash might be able to tell me if I had a chance
“Oh um he would probably like that.” I couldn’t tell if I was imagining it but I could have sworn that an expression of almost Jealousy passed across his face
“I hope so I’ll see you there? I better go to lesson.” He nodded and strangely patted me on the shoulder before wondering off back to his car. I went to form and sat down in my usual sit next to Ethan.

He was talking to Sammy but said hi before quickly going back to his conversation. A minute later Phoenix walked in and apologized to the teacher
“Sorry Miss, I’m still getting used to the school.” He smiled kindly at her and she nodded and montioned for him to take his seat. While Miss was taking the register I turned around in my seat to face Phoenix
“Hey I bumped into Ash on the way here, I told him about the party and invited him, I hope that’s cool.” I didn’t want to make him feel strange by being friendly with his brothers
“Nah that’s fine, I’m sorry in advance for Ash’s behaviour he doesn’t understand what restraints are.” I laughed
“Um actually I was wondering if maybe you would want to go with me? I mean I know it’s your house and all but maybe I could be your date you know if you’re interested, don’t feel like you have to say yes. I mean I don’t expect you to say yes.” He blurted out and his face turned bright red
“I was actually going to ask you if you would be my date and that’s a yes.” I grinned at him happily and he smiled shyly back. Then we were dismissed to go to first period
“What you got now? I’ll walk you.” Phoenix asked picking up my bag and his. He was such a gentlemen he even held the door open for me on our way out
“Um I have English Lit and then Biology, you?” He checked his timetable
“Art and Spanish.”
“Wow you take Spanish A-Level?” He nodded
“Yup, I speak it almost fluently now, I just love being able to speak languages. Do speak anything but English?” I laughed
“Well actually now that you mention it I speak French as well but it’s been a while and I only really use it around my grandma or to swear.” He laughed as we got outside the door of my English Lit class
“So I’ll see at break?” I nodded and he slowly bent his head down towards me and quickly pecked me on the lips
“Have fun” he smirked and strolled off down the corridor while I stood stunned. It was so innocent a kiss but it felt amazing the only problem being that something about him reminded me of Ash
“OMG! Did I just see what I thought I saw?” Mika bounced up next to me. She was grinning and looking at me expectantly but I couldn’t seem to form a sentence
“Leave the girl alone will ya? She seems to still be recovering.” Roxy muttered next to her
“Umm. Well I guess we better go in.” I said and went straight inside and sat on my desk. Slowly a smile began to spread on my mouth and before I knew it I was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“So are you two like an Item now?” I had been bombarded with questions all day from pretty much complete strangers since the news of the quick kiss between the school resident rock chick and hot new guy happened this morning
“Um I dunno I guess so.” I said, I didn’t know if we were properly together but I knew that he liked me and I liked him. And so far that was good enough for me, I sucked at relationships anyway
“Okay you need to back away now. Seriously piss off.” Roxy growled at the girl who asked me the question. I heard someone chuckle from behind me and tilted my head around to see Phoenix smiling down at me
“How you dealing with your new found popularity?” He sat down next to me
“Well all I can say is I didn’t know it was possible to get a fan club in a couple of days of being in the school.” He laughed and the rich warm sound filled me up with happiness. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek
“It’s a bit embarrassing really. But don’t feel left out I’ve gotten a few jealous looks off a couple of guys.” I raised my eyebrows
“Okay so maybe it was more a congratulations. One guy even said that I’ve tamed a beast. What’s that about?” Just as I was about to answer him Ethan jumped in
“Well your girl has a bit of a reputation for being a man eater. Loads of boys like her and try stuff but she uses them up and throws them away like trash.” I turned red at that
“IT’S NOT LIKE THAT! That makes me sound like some sort of siren; I just don’t date pointlessly, I’m more a wait until I find the right guy before building a relationship sort of girl.” I was now extremely embarrassed but Phoenix just laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist
“Well I guess that’s a good thing for me! It’s nice to know I’m the right guy for you.” I buried my head in my arms and the rest of the group laughed at his comment.

I was wondering around Topshop looking for the velvet dress I saw in the window last week while Mika and Roxy were arguing about another dress in the corner. I spotted it suddenly and smiled widely. It was beautiful, very simple but nice and would look great with these high black wedges I had back at home. I picked it up and checked the price; it was only £30 which was quite good considering it was a Topshop dress. I brought it over to the girls for inspection
“ooh it’s so nice! Go try it on quickly!” Mika said and Roxy just nodded approvingly. I rolled my eyes at the two of them and went to the fitting rooms. After I had pulled it on I looked in the mirror, it hung nicely making me look slim but curvy at the same time and the colour brought out the darkness of my eyes which I liked. I called Mika and Roxy and they came over quickly oohing and ahhing over it
“Oh Phoenix is gonna go crazy! You look HOT!” Mika bubbled excitedly
“Yeah it’s gorgeous, now we just have to find something just as good!” Roxy smiled cheekily at me. After about another hour of shopping we all had our outfits ready and I was so tired all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. When I got back Flint was sitting on a stool in the kitchen picking at pasta leftovers
“Hey how was shopping? I hope it’s nothing you shouldn’t be wearing.” He murmured the last part slyly and I rolled my eyes
“Stop being over protective. And it was good; I got a really cute dress.” I said back to him while running up the stairs to my room. I noticed that my parents room was empty except for their bed and the practically empty wardrobe and I felt a pang in my heart. I shook myself and quickly ran into my bedroom before I could let myself dwell on them anymore. Flint was my family and the only family I needed.

So thanks for reading :) please let me know your opinons and vote
Ziggy xx

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