Just a fan

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"MAKENNA WAKE UP" I heard Carley yell. "How did you get in my house?" I jumped out of bed having a mini heart attack. She started looking through my closet. "Your mom let me in." She pulled out about three different pairs of shorts. Thanks mom. "Go get in the shower. Now." I did what she said and I turned the hot water on all the way. I heard a knock on the door. "What Carley." "SHAVE YOUR LEGS." What? "Why?" I was planning on wearing pants and not even bothering to make myself look nice. "Ill tell you after." Fine. After I got finished, I realized I didn't take any clothes into the bathroom to change. Slick. I put on a robe from when I was about 7 that comes down barely to my knees. Well, it's better than my friend seeing me naked. I walked into my room to see Carley laying out clothes she picked out for me. She literally put out the shortest shorts she could find. I'm not even sure if these belong to me. She also had a black tank top. I'm also sure that it isn't mine. "You didn't have any clothes so I'm letting you borrow mine." Knew it. "Wow ok." I took the shirt and shorts and I went to get "undergarments" as my mom calls them. "Carley I can feel you breathing down my neck." She steps back shaking her head. "What's wrong with you?" She reaches into her bag and pulls out a small bag that says Victoria's Secret on the front. "I knew you'd need these." What? I looked in the bag and saw a black bra and underwear with lace overlapping the fabric. "Why?" I asked shaking my head. "You'll find out." I went and changed into Carley's clothes. This tank top made my boobs look huge. What are you up to. I walk back in my room to see Carley looking me up and down. "Haha jackpot baby" she pointed at my butt. "Yea I bet they'll really like you after this." Who? What? "I'll do your hair." She said. She curled it and used about 10 gallons of hair spray. After she got done she did my makeup. Which I almost never wear. "I look like someone gave me 2 black eyes." I stare myself down in the mirror. "That's how it's supposed to be." Only you. After I got done I grabbed black sandals that were surprisingly comfy. Now I'll have at least one thing that's comfy. "You ready?" She asked as I gave her a really mad look. "What?" She was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants with Nike tennis shoes and her hair was down and messy. "Whaaat?" She asked again. "You put me this and you get to wear that?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't have anybody to impress." She smiled. "Does it look like I do either?" A smirk plants on her face. "Sweetie you just don't know" I swear I want to theist punch her sometimes.
Carley's P.O.V
Yes I know Makenna is mad at me because she can't wear her pajamas to school. Yes. I call them pajamas. She's always the one to wear these and I never do. That's why I'm wearing her clothes. Although, I'm beginning to see why she does. I can get used to this actually. Anyways. Back to what I was saying. I made Makenna wear that because my friend Grayson said he liked her. I'm not as upset about it as I thought I would be. Yea, me and Grayson had a past but now we're best friends. So there's no hard feelings between us. Anymore. But I'm worried about how Makenna will react when I tell her because they only know her as just a fan.
Makenna's P.O.V
"Come on Emma." I said knocking on my little sister's door. I wait on her to come out and she's dressed kinda like I am. Except more..... skin. "Oh...uh... hey." She said nervously. "Hey... want a ride?" She grabbed her bag. "Oh. Uh... no.... uh-I-uh.... got a ride." She put on a fake smile. "Ok..... see you later I guess." Weird. I walked downstairs and stood beside Carley. "What's up with Emma?" I asked nervously. "What do you-" she was interrupted by Emma coming down the stairs as she saw her outfit. "What is that little girl wearing?" She whispered to me. "This is what I was talking about." Carley shook her head in disapproval. "Mm mm mm. A slut in the making everyone." She said under her breath acting like I didn't hear her. I looked over at her as she was trying not to laugh. "Let's go" I said cutting in front of her to the door. As soon as she shut the door she began laughing. "Ok let's not talk about my little sister." She laughed more. "You mean your slutty sister?" I looked her in the eye and she quickly stopped laughing when she saw the look on my face. We both got into the car and I began to dig through my purse pretending to find my keys as I watch Emma stand in the driveway. A car pulled up and she quickly go into it. I looked into the rear-view mirror on the side of the door and watched the door. I could barely make out the face to who was driving. Cameron Dallas.

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