More than friends

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*Disclaimer* this story includes  a few time jumps
*2 months later*
Ethan's p.o.v
Makenna is dating Grayson and it's killing me. It's been 2 months and it breaks me more and more everyday. About 4 girls have asked me out and I turned them all down. I'm not flirting with any girls anymore. I have no interest in anyone but Makenna. All of the girls who were interested were all hot but they're all the same. I don't know what it is about her but it's something and my twin brother gets it all to himself. There's a little plus side to all of this though. Since Gray and Makenna have been dating me and her have become kind of close. She's told me a lot of stuff. And now we're really good friends. But I want to be more than friends. But she'll never feel the same way. She loves Gray. Not me. While I'm deep in my feelings I hear my phone ding
Makenna: Heyyyyy
Me: Hey
Makenna: is Gray home?
Me: no. He's at football.
Makenna: oh. Well how about us bffs hang today? Just the two of us:)
Should I?
Me: yeaaaaaa we can put up the Christmas tree :)
Makenna: omg yes I'm on my way.
This is wrong
But Gray won't know.
Makenna's p.o.v
I knew Gray and Ethan were gonna put up the Christmas tree this week. That's why I wanted to come over. I was right. I'm excited I get to hang with Ethan alone. Whenever we hang out we're always with Gray. Feels good to just hang with my friend with some privacy. I don't get dressed up or anything because it's just Ethan. I don't even bother to do anything with my hair. I don't care. I'm just there to have fun. When I get there I'm greeted by a shirtless Ethan. "What's up?" He says as he opens the door for me to come in. I walk inside and he hugs me tightly. "Glad to see you again" he said. "I'll get the stuff." He began to walk outside. "Sounds like you're talking about drugs" I laughed as I held the door open for him as he walks in with a big heavy box full of decorations. After we got done decorating I stood back admiring our good work. He came and stood next to me and then we both looked at each other. "Not bad." I smiled. "It's awesome." He smirked. "Well you need to tell Gray that because he always thought I was terrible at this." My mouth dropped open. "How dare he" he laughed. "Yea I know right? Yeah he discriminated but look at me now. I'm decorating like a pro." He snapped his fingers. "Yeah shots fired." I laughed at him acting stupid. "At least you appreciate my decorating skills." I walked over to the doorway to take a pic of our creation when he turned the camera towards me and snapped the picture as soon as our lips connected together setting off fireworks in my body. He laughed as he looked back at the picture of us kissing, which could get me in big trouble with Grayson. "Send that to me" he said laughing. "You think this is funny?" I said trying not to laugh but I couldn't hide the smile on my face. "Hilarious" he said while putting his hand on my arm as he leaned in to kiss me again. I kissed him back. But this time it wasn't a small peck just for a joke. It lasted longer and it meant more than the first.
Ethan's p.o.v
I love Makenna. I couldn't help but kiss her. She was just standing there and I thought it would be funny and at first I did it at a joke but then I realized what I hadn't discovered before. I didn't just like her. It was more than that. More than I can explain. Being with her right here and right now is all I could ask for. Like they say, it's the most wonderful time of the year.

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