Sorry not sorry

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Emma's p.o.v

Cameron and I got into an argument today. The last thing I said to him replays in my head "I will take my baby and leave" I regret saying that. It hurts more and more each time I replay it. I don't even remember why I was mad. I don't even know why we were arguing. It was probably over something small. I hope he knows that I didn't mean what I said. I would never leave him. I don't even know why I said it. Everything we said is now a blur to me. The only thing I can remember clearly is the last thing I said. What if he takes it seriously and then leaves me? I don't want him to leave. I can't live without him. It was getting late so I decided to try and put away my thoughts and play on my phone. With Cameron being popular on social media, he was everywhere I clicked. Either I would see Instagram posts of him or twitter posts with his account tagged. I just can't get away. I decided to go on his page to see what all was going on since I haven't been active online due to the baby. I've been so busy getting everything ready. I'm just too stressed about getting things ahead of time. Cameron and I were planning on getting a house no too far from here and he was thinking of getting another job to help pay for it. I should get a job too. But he probably wouldn't let me. Between school and this I already have enough stress, and a job wouldn't help the situation. I just hope things can go back to the way they were.

Cameron's p.o.v

I woke up early in the morning and found Makenna's head laying in my lap. I slowly try to get up without waking her. I walked upstairs to Emma's room and I slowly opened the door. She was on her phone as she scrolled and tears rolled down her cheeks. "Em?" I asked walking towards her. "Cameron!" she said jumping up and hugging me. "Cameron I'm so sorry about what I said about leaving you. I didn't mean it. I would never leave you always know that I love you." she said burying her face in my shoulder. "I know you wouldn't. I wouldn't either. This is our baby and I'm not leaving it." I said placing my hand on her stomach. After we hugged we let go and we laid on the bed and fell asleep.

*2 week time jump*

"Cameron" I heard Makenna said as she walked into Emma's room. "Why aren't you at school?" she shrugged. "I just didn't want to go." she sat down on the end of the bed looking down. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Cameron, you have to promise not to tell Ethan or Grayson." she said with a serious face. "I promise." she sighed. "I'm pregnant." What. Makenna is pregnant? "Ethan's the father?" I asked and she shook her head. "Grayson." I grabbed my phone and started calling Emma. "Who are you calling?" she asked worried. "Emma" she sighed.


"Cam what's wrong?" Emma asked walking into her room that Makenna and I were sitting in. Makenna was crying. "What's wrong? What happened?" she asked again. "She's pregnant." I said. Emma's face went from worried to happy. "Omg you're having a baby!" she screamed as she took Makenna into a hug. "What does Ethan think?" Makenna looked up. "Ethan doesn't know because it's not his." Emma's face went from happy to scared. "How do you know?" she asked. "Me and Ethan never....." I interrupted the conversation. "It's Grayson's." Makenna looked at me with a sorry face and Emma hugged her. "When did this happen?" "About two weeks ago." "When did you find out?" I interrupted again. "She told me this morning." Makenna's hands covered her face as her loud sobs were muffled. "You can't tell Ethan." I said to Emma. "What about Grayson? It's his isn't it? He deserves to know." I sighed and looked at Makenna asking for approval. "Call him over here." I took out my phone and walked in the hallway closing the door behind me. "Hello?" Grayson said as he picked up the phone on the first ring. "Hey bro, so I have some exciting news...." Grayson's mood immediately changed as he talked in an excited tone. "What is it?" I sighed. "You're gonna be a dad." I said trying to keep the situation as happy as possible. "What?" he said, his tone changing back to disappointed. "Yeah.. can you come over here real quick?" "Yeah." he said hanging up the phone.

Grayson's p.o.v

Cameron said I was going to be a dad. I knew he was talking about Makenna because she was the only one I ever.... you know. I'm not sad but I don't think I'm ready for the responsibility. I'm in high school for god's sake. I don't have money to take care of another human being. I slammed on the brakes pulling into their driveway. I ran in pushing the door open as hard as I could to get it out of the way as quick as I could. I ran upstairs to find Cameron leaning on the door outside of Emma's bedroom. "Hey. She's in there with Emma." I opened the door quickly and I saw her on the floor lying on her knees, crying into Emma's shoulder. "It's Grayson." Emma said helping Makenna stand up. She immediately hugs me and cries into my shoulder hugging me tightly. I pull her head back up and I wipe the tears off of her face. "It's ok." I said. I bent down and pulled up her shirt, revealing her stomach. "Hey little guy. When you get here we're gonna do so many cool things." She smiled as I looked up at her. I kissed her stomach and stood back up. I pulled her into another hug as he tears began to dry off of her face. I kissed her on her forehead. "I love you and everything's going to be ok." I said.

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