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Ethan's p.o.v
Makenna texted me at 3 am asking to come over so we can talk. I think I know what's been bothering her lately. Her sister. Her sister, Emma, is a year younger than us and all the guys in her grade obsess over her. She's not really a hoe or a slut because she doesn't really date anyone, even though she could get away with it easily. Deep down I think the only reason Emma doesn't date a lot of guys is because Makenna tries to control her. I know she loves her, but she needs to let Emma breathe a little. I pulled in her driveway and I saw her standing outside of the door waiting for me. She walked to my car and got in. "Hey. Can we go somewhere?" I was confused. "Where is there to go?" I asked. "I don't know. Just somewhere we can talk." I smiled. "Wanna go to the park?"
Makenna's p.o.v
"Wanna go to the park?" He asked with a big smile on his face. The park? What park? "There's a park?" I asked worried that he would think I'm stupid or something. "The one that's only about a mile from here." Huh. There is one. I've lived in L.A for 17 years and I've never seen or heard of a park close by. "You can't really see it because it's kind of..... abandoned." That's why. "Why would you want to take me to an abandoned old park?" I asked. "You said you wanted to talk somewhere quiet. And there's nobody there to bother us so why not?" Fine. I nodded my head in agreement. "So then lets go." He said in a happy tone smiling. He's so happy. Why?
Ethan's p.o.v
We didn't talk the whole drive there. Although it's not that far of a drive, I still didn't like the silence. I figured she was tired so I didn't want to upset her by breaking it. We got there and it was still silent. We got out of the car and sat on the old bench that I'm guessing used to be red? I don't know. It's old. While we were sitting down she pulled out her phone and pulled up the picture of us last year kissing after we put up the Christmas tree. "Oh." I said frozen looking at the picture. "I wanted to tell you that..." she said but she stopped. "What?" I asked. I started to get more and more nervous. "I like you too Ethan." What. She just told me she liked me when she's dating my brother. "Makenna I-" she cut me off by kissing me intensely. My hands went to her waist and her hands cupped my face. The kiss lasted a long time until we broke apart. Shortly after we left and I was dropping her off at her house and she gave me a peck goodbye.

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