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Carley's P.O.V
Makenna has been mad ever since we saw her little sister and Cameron together this morning. She's so protective over Emma. Why can't she just give her a break? I mean yeah Cameron's not the best choose, but doesn't she trust her own sister? It's making it harder for me to tell her about Grayson. I'm so nervous to tell her because I don't want her to freak out or think I'm lying. She knows she always been just a fan, but I want her to know that she could be more than that. Just tell her. She'll be happy. Ok. I'm gonna do it. "Makenna?" She doesn't answer, of course because she's still mad about Cameron. "Can I tell you why I made you wear that?" Her grip tightens onto the steering wheel and she has a focused eye on the road. "Talk to me." I decided to quit trying and lean back in the seat until I see that we pass the school. "Uh. Makenna you just passed school." I look at her and she still has a close eye on the road. I look back at the road to see a black Ferrari driving in front of us. It's been driving in front of us for a while. Is she following that car? "Are you following that car?" She still doesn't answer. I look back at the car and I study the way the car looks to see if I know who she's following. I read the tag that says CAM55. "Cameron." She said unexpectedly. I read the tag again. 55 is Cameron's football jersey number from when he was still in high school. "Emma is with him." Oh. We follow them to a really nice neighborhood where we saw the car stop at the house.
Makenna's P.O.V
I can't believe Emma ditched school to be with that hoebag. I hate him. He's so stuck up. I followed him to make sure my little sis is safe. As we approached what I'm guessing is his house I parked at the house next to it to make it seem like I'm a neighbor. Good thing my windows are tinted. I see Cameron get out of the car followed by Emma. He takes her hand and kiss her. I didn't have a problem until I saw him touch her butt. Hell no. I opened the car door and took off my seatbelt to get out of the car until Carley's hand grabbed my arm. "Don't do it Ken." I sat and watched Emma and Cameron walk into the house and then Carley let go of my arm. I sat back in my seat and sighed. "It's fine. You can ask her about it when you get home." Carley said trying to comfort me and calm me down. I buckled my seatbelt and shut the door back and started up the car again. "Now can we talk?"
Carley's P.O.V
"Now can we talk?" I hope she says we can so I can go ahead and tell her. I'm ready to get it over with. I don't know what her reaction will be so I'm trying my hardest to say it as calm as I can and I'm trying not to blow up of anticipation. "Yeah. Talk." She says while she pulls out of the driveway of whoever's house this is. "It's about the Dolan Twins."

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