Baby's here

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*3 month time jump*

Grayson's p.o.v

I was sleeping peacefully in my nice comfy bed until I heard a scream at about 1 am. I woke up to see Makenna freaking out with a wet substance surrounding her. I was confused at first. Stupidly, I asked her what was wrong. "What does it look like? My water broke!" she screamed in pain. I wrapped he arms around me as I helped her waddle down the stairs.

*Skip drive to hospital*

We walked in and she was grunting in pain. "Help my girlfriend is having her baby" I said to the lady at the front desk. A nurse quickly came and put her in a wheelchair and rolled her into a room. The doctor asked me to step out for a minute. It's a girl thing. I sat in a highly uncomfortable chair. Not even 5 minutes of sitting in the chair the doctor and 2 nurses came to get me because she went into labor and was about to give birth. "We need the father in here" the doctor yelled. I walked in and I was hurt by the look on her face. She looked like she was in a lot of pain. More than any person can imagine. The doctor asked if she was ready and she nodded her head a slow yes. I walked over and held her hand. I soon regretted it because her grip was stronger than a 50 year old man's.

*Skip birth*

After about 10 minutes of pushing she finally did it. We wanted the gender to be a surprise so we waited. My heart was racing in curiosity, but Makenna was breathing heavy looking half asleep. "Congratulations! It's a baby....."

Makenna's p.o.v

I swear today was the hardest day of my life. I really don't know how I managed. I was tired out. I know Grayson was ready to see the gender but I didn't care at this point. I just wanted to sleep. While I was half asleep we were going to find out the gender. "Congratulations! It's a baby......" Grayson's grip on my hand tightened. "Girl!" Grayson jumped out of his seat in excitement. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He said leaning down giving me a kiss, which I was not in the mood for. The doctor brought the baby over to Grayson first because I knew he was ready to hold it. My head was pounding and the baby's cried weren't helping. Grayson held the baby and kissed her on the head. A tear slid down his cheek as it landed on the baby's nose, making it cry more. "Shhh. It's ok, daddy's here." He said in a comforting way, rocking the baby in his arms. Her cries slowly turned into silence as she fell asleep in his arms. "I love you princess" he said as he wiped the tear that began to roll down his cheek. I slowly fell asleep at the calming sight of Grayson holding our daughter and the happiness it brought to me.

*2 day time jump*

Grayson and I walked to the nursery and checked on the baby. "Hey, I almost forgot." he said making me jump. "What?" he pointed to the baby "Do we have a name?" I stared at the baby and thought.  "I like Harper." he looked at me and smiled. "I like that." I looked back at Harper. "Harper Gray." I said. "You know, after her daddy." he looked at me and smiled with a small tear rolling down his cheek. During this touching moment, we were interrupted by a doctor. "Excuse me, are you two related to Ethan Dolan?" we nodded. "That's my brother." Gray said. "Come with me." we both followed her into a room that had many nurses and doctors surrounding the bed. As they saw is coming, they all moved out of the way. It hurt me to see what was laying on that bed. Blood was surrounding his limp body. I looked at his arm. I saw both arms with severely deep cuts in them. It almost made me sick to my stomach. "No" I said under my breath. "Is he dead?" Grayson asked. The doctor sighed. "No. He's alive. But he's just barely making it." I started to feel my eyes burning and my face getting hot. "Do either of you know how this would have happened?" I knew exactly what happened. "Yes." I said softly. Grayson looked over to me confused. "Can you come with me?" the doctor asked signaling me to the desk at the front. Grayson stayed in the room with Ethan. "Ok Mrs. Dolan...." Mrs.? "Oh I'm not married." I choked out trying not to cry. "Oh ok. Can you tell me if Ethan was ever on drugs or drank alcohol." I don't remember Ethan ever doing that. All I remember is the box. "No not that I know of." he nodded his head. "Ok. So you said that you know what might have happened." I nodded my head. "Can you tell me?" I nodded my head trying to hold back tears. "He self harmed." He nodded his head. "Ok. Do you know how many times he he had done this." I shook my head. "Ok thank you." As soon as I stepped back into Ethan's room I started crying. "What happened to Ethan?" Grayson asked hugging me. "He used to self-harm." Grayson soon had tears rolling down his eyes, holding me close to him. "I'm gonna go check on Harper ok?" I said to him "you stay here with Ethan." I went to get Harper and thankfully, they said I could take her with me. I happily wrapped her up in a pink blanket and took her to Ethan's room where he was awake. I talked to him for a little while Grayson held Harper talking to her and kissing her a million times, making her cries turn into smiles and giggles. Ethan told me that he might have to go to rehab and therapy for a few moths. Grayson soon handed Ethan the baby and she smiled as soon as she got into Ethan's arms. "She's so cute." Ethan said with a small tear about out of his eye.

*One month time jump*

"Grayson can you please put Harper down for a nap. She won't stop crying and I need sleep." I said. "Yea. come here princess." he said getting up from his video game and picking the crying baby out of my tired arms. I decided to run to my room and get some sleep. As soon as I laid down my eyes started getting heavy. I was beginning to drift to sleep as my phone began to ring. I groaned as I looked at the Caller ID and it read as Emma. "Hello?" I asked, slightly annoyed. "She's dead! You got to help us she's dead." it was Emma. It was Cameron. I jumped out of my bed. "What happened?" Cameron started to sob through the phone. "She's dead, she's dead, she's dead." I got kind of annoyed due to the fact I had no idea who had died. "Cameron, who's dead?" I asked. "Emma." I heard the baby begin to cry in the background. "She went to take a nap and I was checking on Noah and I came back and she was dead!"

I got into the car and drove off without telling Grayson. About halfway there, my phone rang with Cameron's name of the screen. I answered and he asked where I was.

"I'm almost there."

"The ambulance just came for her."

"Do I need to turn around and go to the hospital?"

"No I'll give you a ride. I need help with Noah."


"He won't calm down."

"Ok. Fine"

"Thank you"

he said as he hung up the phone. I got there and I held Noah in my arms as we drove quickly to the hospital. As we got there. I put Noah back in his stroller and Cameron took off into the hospital. I walked quickly but carefully trying not to wake Noah. I heard Cameron screaming down the hall and I followed the screaming and reached the room. "Mr. Dallas I'm sorry. We can't help her now." The doctor saw me walk into the room with Noah. "Ma'am what do you think you're doing in here? It's family only." The doctor said in a stern voice. "That is my baby and that's Emma's sister. And you're not going to talk to them like that or I promise you and I will have it out." The doctor walked out and Cameron pulled me into a hug crying into my shoulder. He picked his head up and looked at Emma's dead body laying on the hospital bed. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you" he h

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