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Hey so if you read the authors note before the previous chapter, you'll know I have some explaining to do about it.

In no way do I support self harm. With this being the case, I do not know a lot if not anything about self harm. I am personally against it and I'm sorry if that upsets you.

How this subject was brought up was I had read a chapter of this really good fanfiction and then it mentioned the pencil sharpener thing and had the picture that I put above. If you do not know what this is, it's when someone takes the screws out of a hand held pencil sharpener and pops out the blade to use it as a cutting tool for self harm.

As I said, I do not know anything about this so I decided to look it up. I did not get my answer, instead I found a quite disturbing thread that had people laughing and making more of 'inside jokes' about what they did. I'm so sorry if you don't like that I called it disturbing but tbh I felt like I was going to puke.

Still curious for an answer I went to one of my friends that I know used to self harm. {name will not be given out srry:( } Long story short she gave me the answer I was looking for and my heart tore into small pieces. Along with my answer, she told me about her past. {info will not be given out}

Long story short, if you are ever thinking about self harm..... I'm here to tell you to please take care of yourself. If you are just flat out depressed, please please please get help. You may feel alone now, but just know that there is someone out there that loves you. And if you ever have suicidal thoughts, just know that someone that loves you will die inside. Sadly, I lost a close friend and almost lost 2 others. {omg I'm crying writing this}

My point to writing this little note is that I'm sorry if that triggered any of you and if you have a friend/ relative/ someone you love who committed suicide, I am so sorry. I know the feeling. So please take good care of yourself because it makes me so seeed when you don't :((
Bye thanks for reading!! ~fefe🐢

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