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*1 month time jump*
Makenna's p.o.v
If you're wondering, yes me and Ethan are dating. But we haven't told Grayson. I kinda think he knows but we try to keep it on the DL. I don't think I would even want to tell him. Just thinking of  his reaction makes me nauseous. I would feel so guilty and I might end up in the hospital like Ethan. Speaking of which, it's been about a month now since that happened. He's doing great. Not me. My birthday is this month and so is Ethan and Grayson's. Just thinking about moving out makes me sick to my stomach. I bet Emma would be happy to see me leave. We still aren't on talking terms unless we need something or when we argue. Ethan and Grayson kinda hate each other at the moment. They argue over the smallest things.
"Hey Ethan can you pass me the remote?" I asked smiling.
"Oh I guess I don't matter anymore"Grayson said with jealousy in his voice. "Shut up Gray."
"You shut up Ethan."
"I swear you're so childish"
"Look who's talking."
"Shut up. Just because you couldn't please your girl doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us who can."
Grayson runs up and pushes Ethan against the wall as he yells in his face.
"I swear to god Ethan."
"Come on. Hit me Gray."
There was a loud smack that was almost ear piercing as it left a red mark on Ethan's face. "You son of a-" Ethan yelled back at Grayson as they both started hitting each other and wrestling on the ground. "Stop! Please!" I screamed. They both stopped and got up adjusting their clothes. Grayson was fixing his shirt while Ethan didn't even have a shirt on. Grayson started walking upstairs as Ethan came to me and put his arm around me, leaning in to kiss me. I pushed him away. "What?" He asked. "You can kiss me when you aren't acting like a little kid." I said as I walked out.
*End of flashback*
Thinking of that just made me more mad than I already was.
I was texting Ethan when Emma came into my room. "Hey have you seen my purple crop top?" She asked. "No." I said only glancing up from my phone for a second as she was about to walk I out. "Hey Em?" She opened the door back. "Yea?" She asked. "Can we talk?" She stood thinking "yea. I have some things to tell you."
Emma's p.o.v
I wasn't actually looking for my crop top. I only asked because I knew Makenna would want to talk. I have to tell her about what's been going on lately. She's my sister so I tell her everything. But I haven't told her what I'm thinking. What I'm hoping won't happen. "What've you been up to lately.?" She asked. I didnt answer, instead I just cry. "Emma what's wrong?" She put her hands on my shoulders. "You can't tell mom and dad." She nods her head. "I won't." I wipe my tears. "We don't know for sure yet... but I think I'm... pregnant." She stands in shock. "You're what? Does Cameron know?" I nod my head. "Yeah. But we don't know for sure. But we think I am." She shakes her head. "What does he think about this." I shrug my shoulders. "He's happy." I said still sobbing. She was confused. "Happy about what?"
"Being a dad." She stood up and grabbed my hand and dragged me down the stairs. "We're getting you a test now."
Ethan's p.o.v
I was sitting in the living room with Grayson. Silence like always. Neither of us have said a word since our argument last night. I decided to break the silence. "I'm sorry." I said. He picked up the remote and paused the TV. "What?" He asked really confused
"I'm sorry." I said looking at the ground. "For what?" He folded his arms and started to get an arrogant tone in his voice. "You know."
"Yea I do but I want you to say it."
"I'm sorry for taking your girlfriend."
"Ha. Yeah. Now why are you telling me this just now?"
"Because you never gave me a chance before." He laughed.
"And why should I forgive you?"
"Because I'm sorry. How many times do I have to say it?"
"You should be begging on your knees." He said with a smirk plastered across his face.
"You know. I was so stupid to think you would ever have a little sympathy and forgive me."
"And I was stupid to think that you were a good brother." When he said that it broke my heart. I felt like I lost my brother forever.
"And why should I have the sympathy for you when you were the one going behind my back and sucking faces with my girlfriend?" I sighed. "Because I thought you was take a moment to realize that I really am sorry. You think I'm joking, but I'm not. I swear." He sighed. "Well I don't know what to tell you." I stood up. Maybe an "I forgive you." I started to walk off but I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. "I'm tired of fighting Gray." I said with my back still turned to him. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. "I am too." He said. "And I forgive you." I smiled as I pulled him into a hug. "I love you man." We pulled apart from the hug. "Love you too" we both hugged again and went back to watching TV and talking and laughing until my phone started ringing. "Baby mama drama" he said while laughing as he passed me phone with Makenna's name on the screen. "Hey." I said through the phone. "Come to my house. Now."
"Emma's pregnant."

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