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Makenna's p.o.v
"Hey what's up." Grayson said through the phone. I slammed my bedroom door so Emma wouldn't hear me say this. "Tell that fag Cameron Dallas to leave my little sister alone. She's too young." I clenched my fists together trying not to scream. "Woah woah. Calm down. Why are you so mad?" I sighed. "I think Cameron and Emma have a thing going." There was silence. "Hello?" I asked through what I thought was a dead line. "Yeah I'm here. Im just kinda shocked that a 21 year old would date a 16 year old." He laughed in between his sentence "that's at least a 5 year difference. Do your parents know." I didn't know what was going on through his head and why he laughed. "Grayson this isn't funny. I really don't want him making her do something that she doesn't want to do and- what if he were to hurt her or get her pregnant." I could feel tears rolling down my eyes. "Hey are you ok?" He asked concerned. "No. no I'm not." I said with tears pouring down my face. "Hey. Look. I'll make sure Cameron doesn't do anything stupid. Ok?" I wiped away my tears and sniffled into the phone. "Ok. Thanks." That made me feel so much better. Grayson made me feel safe. "I love you." Is all I heard from the phone before I dropped it on the floor, causing the screen to crack at the top right corner. Did he say he loved me?
Grayson's p.o.v
"Hello?" I heard a big bang come from the phone. "Hello?" I asked again. "Yeah yeah I-I'm here." She said. "You ok?" I asked anxious for her to answer so I'll know she's ok. "Y-yeah I'm fine." She said shakily. "Good." She sighed. "Well I have to go now." I frowned because I wanted to talk to her more. "Oh ok. I love you Makenna." There was silence. "Um I love you too, Grayson." She said. "Bye" we said at the same time as she hung up the phone leaving the line dead. I know it's weird for me to tell her I love her when we've only had like one conversation and we're not even dating, but that's gonna change. Because I think I do love her.
Makenna's p.o.v
"Oh ok. I love you Makenna." Grayson said. Wait what did he just say the L word? What do I say? I don't know him well enough and we're not even dating. This is a setup. Another hoebag move. Bet. "Um. I love you too, Grayson." Oh my god. Why would I say that? I can't love him. No. not now. I don't even know how I feel about Ethan. Does he love me too? I guess I won't know because I'm too busy sitting here telling his twin brother I love him. "Bye" we said at the same time. And I hung up. I can't believe that just happened. I looked through my contacts to find Carley's number. I clicked the call button and tapped my foot waiting for her to answer. But then I started thinking about how Grayson helped me when I was crying. He made me feel safe for my sister. Maybe he meant what he said. Maybe I meant what I said. "Hello?" I heard from the other line. "I love Grayson."

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