Dont say a word

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Carley's p.o.v
I seriously can't believe that Ethan and Grayson both like her. I don't think they know that they like the same person. Surely they'll find out. Should I say something? Or would it be wrong? I don't know. "Um does Grayson know?" I asked. "No. I haven't told him yet." Yet. "No I don't think it's a good idea to tell him." His smile went to a frown. "Why not?" Oh god. What do I say? 'Because Grayson does to. #twingoals!' No. Come on. Think. "Uh... because you should surprise him!" What did I just say? "Uh. Ok." I smile as I begin to walk off. "Carley" I turn my head to him. "Don't say a word." He mouths as one of his friends come behind him. I nod my head and walk away.
Makenna's p.o.v
I'm not really friends with Grayson, but I think me and him got kinda close within the two hours we talked today. We talked all through Chemistry and Trig 1 and Spanish. "Hey can I tell you something?" He asked when we got to my locker. "Yeah. Anything" I smiled. He grabbed my hand and walked me to the boys' locker room. "wait a sec" he walked in and walked back out grabbing my hand, taking me in. I sat down on the bench as he closed the door. "Ok what do we need to talk about that's so important that you dragged me into the guys' locker room?" He sighed. "It's about you and me" oh. Was he about to tell me he liked me? I can't tell him that Carley told me. He'll be so mad at her. I'll just act surprised. Ok Makenna. You got this. "So.... I thought that I should tell you..... uh.... that. I-uh-I." Spit it out Grayson. "I like you."
Grayson's p.o.v
I took her into the boys' locker room because I knew nobody would be in there. So I can tell her how I feel. I checked to see if there was anybody inside and it was clear so I shut the door behind us. She sat down and I told her. I almost siked myself out. But there's really no way for me to say it other than that. I'd probably keep blabbing and then just mess up my chance. "Oh." She didn't seem surprised. "I know. It's stupid. I shouldn't have even-" she interrupted me "no, no, no. It's fine." A smile sprouted onto her face as she stood up from the old wooden bench that creaked. "I like you too." She likes me. She really likes me.
Makenna's p.o.v
I did it. I told him. I told him I liked him. Even though we barely talk. But I think that will change. The smile on his face was bigger than ever. We stood really close. Our face inches apart. He was so hot. His eyes, his mouth, his jawline. All of it was perfect. Before I knew it his hands met my face as he cupped my cheeks as his lips made contact with mine. It was so perfect. My heart began to beat faster and faster until I wrapped my arms around his neck, breaking the kiss for a second as his hands met my waist. The kiss lasted a long time, but it wasn't a make-out session. Yet. As I kissed Grayson Dolan I began to realize how much I liked him. Maybe even loved. We broke apart as we both stared at each other surprised. "What was that?" I asked happily. "I had to." He said smiling. Our hold on each other was released and we walked into the hallway like nothing happened. "I'll see you later." He said before we walked off. "Hey Makenna?" He said as I turned to him. "Yeah?" I asked waiting for him to speak. To hear his perfect voice. "Don't tell anyone about this." I smiled. "I won't." That's a lie. He smiled at my reply and we both started walking to our next class. "MAKENNA" I heard a voice say. It was Carley. "Hey Carley you're never going to believe this!" She stopped me and grabbed my arm lightly. "Ethan likes you too." What.

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