Chapter 6

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AN: I updated super early because I love you and also because you keep hounding me for an update xD

Squinting with one eye open, I glance up from my face being practically shoved in Alexander chest during the night.

Trying to sit up a little, I look at the black digital clock on the bedside table only to see the digits "06:30" flashing back at me.

At least I woke up on time.

Glancing at Alexander, his completely calm and relaxed face assures me that he's asleep.

Scooting out of bed, I go into the next room to have a quick shower without disturbing him.

Freshly showered and changed into a light grey tee I stole from Alexander and a pair of my own baggy sweatpants, I once more slide into bed.

Almost immediately Alexander's arm pushes me into him once again though he's still unconscious to the world, the light snores emitting from him proving the fact.

Cuddling into him, I go over all the thoughts and questions in my head.

Why was Sam doing all of this?

Was this some sort of revenge?

But if so, for what?

With all my thoughts running around my head in an endless chase, it takes me a while to realise Alexander has woken up and gotten into the shower.

Sitting up, I'm greeted with a disgruntled Pixie who seems to have been awoken up from her sleep.

"I know how it feels." I mumble, petting her on the head.

She just whines and puts her head on her paws.

Heading downstairs and into the kitchen, I start a fresh batch of coffee and start to cook up breakfast after everything is made, I set the table and take my place diligently at the counter, waiting for Alexander to come down for breakfast.

The thudding of footsteps coming down the stairs alerts me to his presence and all too soon he enters into the kitchen, decked out in a dark grey suit.

Eyeing his attire, I don't make a single sound as he moves about the kitchen.

All of a sudden Alexander stops in his tracks and whirls around to where I sit, smiling up at him innocently.

"Good morning honey." I say, the smile still on my face.

"Nora." He words out slowly.

"Yes love?" I question back.

"What are you doing up so early?" He asks through narrowed eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing." My grin stretching even wider, not letting my façade slip.

Grumbling a few choice words under his breath, he finally huffs and takes his seat across from me.

"I didn't think you'd be going into work today?" I question innocently.

The glare he throws my way makes me aware that he knows what I'm doing.

"Well what can I say." Is all he says.

The only thing that can be heard for the next ten minutes is the sound of cutler against plates and other than that, the setting of the coffee mugs up and down.

Finishing up, Alexander stands up and grabs the both of our plates before he grabs my hand and leads me into the lounge.

"I know what you're trying to do." He deadpans.

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