Chapter 10

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The new guy was in my second period, English. I sat at the back, near the only empty in the classroom. It was inevitable that he was going to sit near me. As he stood at the front of the classroom it was clear to him that he could see he'd be sitting by me. He seemed to be elated by that fact.

He introduces himself as Dan, which I already knew, and made his way to the seat by me, and sat down. His backpack slide easily off his shoulder, and it looked empty.

His black jeans had obvious grass stains that look pretty recent. He also had a jumper that was a dark red and black.

He had a brown fringe going off the opposite way as mine, and it had many ringlets of soft curls. His eyes brown enough to look like a dark chocolate.

He looked so so strangely familiar.

"Hi, Phil! You look so... Tough? That's not the right word to describe it. I can't put my finger on it, but you look good." Dan beamed. He sounds like an old friend. Its so weird.

"Uh, Dan? No offense or anything, but can I help you? We just met, can you not act like we've been buddy buddy  since the second grade?" I replied. I watched his face go from excited, to hurt, to confused. His eyebrows furrowed with every emotion.

"I, um... Uh, sorry. You're right. Hi, im Dan." He tried again giving me his hand to shake. The sadness locked behind his eyes brought me to shake his hand. It's so unlike me, I usually push people away.

"I'm Phil. Nice to meet you. Do I want to ask about why you seem hurt by the fact I  don't know you?" I ask him, curious. His face pools with fear.

"Oh, you look like this guy I used to know, I guess. He is also called Phil, coincidence huh?" He mumbled, and obvious lie, but he seemed so set on selling it to me as truth.

"Wow, how funny." I respond, going along with it. My voice showed how unconvinced I am.

He gave me a small smile and put his head down, tracing small patterns into the desk.

He glanced at me ever once in a while, I could see him. Once during the class I caught a glance at him whilst he looked my way and his face looked as if he were formulating a plan.

The class ended and it was time for a break. He followed me out of the class in the rush of students. I headed to my locker, not paying anyone any attention. If im quick enough I can find tyler and make him give me money for something in the vending machines.

"Uh, Phil, since Im new here and don't have anyone, can i spend break with you?" I hear a timid voice, that I found belongs to dan.

"I- sure." I say, defeated. His sad eyes are something I can't turn down, they feel safe. It's a feeling a can't shake. "Ive just got to go to my locker first. Wanna come?" I guess I won't be talking to Tyler.

"Sure, uh what number is it?" He asked.

"My locker? 843. Why?" I responded curiously.

"Oh would it be alright if I stay here? I don't do odd number. Go get what you need and meet me back here, yeah?" He said, sounding shy.

Confused, I have him a nod, and made my way to my locker.

Why are you so damn familiar. I can't put my finger on it.



Love you! Bai


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