Chapter 22

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Dan is heavy on my back, but nonetheless I'm thankful that we took the shorter path because we made it home quickly.

We both slowly make our way up to my room. Our energy is low from the cold.

"Mum- I mean, Mrs. Lester, can you make me and Dan some warm tea?" I yell to the  living room, assuming she's there. I know I was correct when I hear her yell back.

"Sure, no problem, it'll be ready in a minute" and hear her footsteps pad off into the kitchen.

It was only after that, as I was replaying what happened in my head that I realized I nearly called her mum. My cheeks flush with embarrassment. I wonder if she noticed.

When I was younger I used to call her mum all the time, because I thought she was my mum. Though, she kinda is, she's also not. Wow this is complicated.

I turn to dan, trying to not think about what just happened, but I could see on his face that he noticed too.

"Do you want to go up to my room with me and grab some blankets? We can make a fort in the living room and watch Netflix?" I suggested. His eyes lit up and my mind went far from any previous topics.

"Yes! That sounds awesome!" Dan nearly shouts whilst nodding vigorously. He turns and darts up to my room, and I follow closely behind.

Soon after we returned back to the main floor with handfuls of blankets. Bringing them to the living room, I hear Mrs. Lester inform us that tea is ready. The blankets drop down in a pile on the floor as we go to get our tea.

Later that night, as Dan is blasting Muse from the speakers, we are building our fort. The fort is lop sided and fragile. Blankets and draped from couch to couch. Sheets pinned to the ceiling fan and pillows thrown around at random.

We have to use our phones for lights because otherwise we wouldn't be able to see, and we have to hold it up just to get in.

"Okay, so we're not architects." Dan joked as we say inside the fort for the first time after finishing it. A blanket dangling loosely between us.

"Obviously" I laugh. He lifts the blanket that's between us and smiles. We stay like that for a minute, just looking at each other.

"Phil?" I hear dan ask after a minute, he sounds timid though.

"Yeah?" I respond, anticipating what he will say next.

"If you don't mind, I'd like another chance at kissing you" He trailed off quietly. He wouldn't look me in the eye; in fact he was looking anywhere else.

"I'd like that" I whisper and lean closer slowly. I don't get my hopes up, he might bail out again. But to my surprise he doesn't.

Our lips connect, and even if it didn't last long, it was great. I knew it really meant something too, if he'd put himself through that. I looked up at him and he flashed a shy smile. He's so cute.

"Uh, do you wanna watch Netflix now?" He asks, trying to hide his blush.

"Yeah, let's do that" I say as I grab the remote. The TV was expertly attached to out fort, so we could watch in comfort of out blanket home.

We put on Stanger things and relax into the blankets. Next to me I see Dan's eyelid growing heavy and know he's going to fall asleep soon.

His head gently fall in my lap, and his breathing hollows out. So I turn off the TV and let him sleep.

I need someone who will be like phil in this story. I'm very much Dan in this story  (oops dan is totally based off of me:)))))))))))))) and I need a phil like this.

Blanket forts anyone?

Okay but who relates to the crappy blanket forts, because I sure do.

Anyways thats all because I have homework to do, oops.

Love you! Bye!

~ Madi

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