chapter 27

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"And over here I keep my hanging plants. They are the most difficult, but they seems to survive pretty well I guess." Phil finishes his tour of all of his house plants. It was my fault for asking about them though.

"How did you manage to think of names for all of those plants! How many is that?" I ask, surprised with his collection. I noticed there were a bunch, but I didn't realize just how many.

"I like to name them after my friends, shows I like, bands I listen to, and stuff like that. And I think there are like 20 plants." He says, with his eyes lit up. He wears a big smile on his face.

"Well, maybe I should get a plant to see what the big deal is." I laugh, but Phil thinks it's a great idea. Looks like I'll be getting a plant.

As we walk back to the living room, Phil jumps into a story about when he first got a house plant. He's so cute, and caring.

I love him.


I think this story will be wrapping up kinda soon here. I don't know how much longer, but we are steering towards the end now

Love you! Bye!


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